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Boomerang effect: Will Yerevan answer for Ganja shelling? Armenia to stand new Nuremberg trial

04 October 2022 17:14

Azerbaijan mourns and remembers – October 4 marks two years since the first missile strike on Ganja, a city that is located far from the frontline and did not pose a military threat to Armenia. A total of 32 civilians, including women and children, were killed and about 200 injured in rocket attacks on the peaceful city of Armenian barbarians on October 4, 11 and 17, 2020. Today, when politicians in Armenia have the audacity to demand that international organisations investigate the notorious video of dubious quality and content, they should all be reminded of the Ganja victims. After all, in Armenia, the facts of the brutal murder of this city's civilians have not yet been investigated.

Armenia continues to hypocritically accuse the Azerbaijani military while ignoring its servicemen's fanaticism and primitive cruelty. This is done in the hopes of putting international pressure on Azerbaijan as an "uncivilised, aggressive country". Armenian politicians' cynicism in this regard goes beyond all bounds. But facts are unavoidable; there is no getting around them. And they say that until today neither Armenia's prosecutor's office nor the investigative bodies have even tried to determine who gave the order and who shelled the peaceful Azerbaijani city. And after all, we are not talking about a separatist Karabakh gang, not about some ghostly military on the frontline, it has been established for certain that they fired from the Armenian territory with tactical missiles with a large radius of destruction, the launch of which could only be carried out by personnel military specialists. This crime is undoubtedly one of the most terrible and heinous actions of the Armenian military in the history of the 44-day war, because as a result of shelling, sleeping city residents died in their homes, without a chance to escape.

The deliberate subtext of this crime is obvious – to intimidate the Azerbaijani people and cause panic and chaos. Well, where is the attempt of Armenian law enforcement officers to sort out this crime? Why is the Armenian civil society silent, is it not outraged by such unworthy actions of its army? But it was in such episodes of the war that the Armenians showed their true colours, their Great Armenian chauvinism. But now the same "patriots" from Armenia itself and its diaspora have begun to grieve together-to be grieved and loudly demand an investigation into the death of Armenians, and the murder of representatives of other peoples, it seems, no one in Armenia cares.

Political circles in Yerevan do not even conceal a one-sided, selective, "friend or foe" approach to the problems of war. For example, the other day, Ambassador-at-Large Edmond Marukyan criticised the position of the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, Toivo Klaar, after the appearance of some fake videos of the shooting of Armenian prisoners by the Azerbaijani military. That is, while this same Klaar was criticizing Azerbaijan for no reason, everything was fine, but when the EU special representative demanded an investigation of the crimes of the Armenian military against Azerbaijani citizens captured on video, Marukyan indignantly shouted. He declared: "We will not allow an equal sign to be placed between the victim of a war crime and the criminal himself."

And this is said by a former human rights activist who, logically and according to the principles of human morality, should have immediately called for the condemnation of all crimes of this kind. But for Marukyan, Armenians are "more equal" than others, and for some reason only they, according to the logic of Marukyan's Jesuit hypocrisy, deserve compassion. Such statements should initially be marked with the sign "ordinary fascism", and the fascism of the Armenian political elite. If, of course, this group of people can be called that.

Investigating the war crimes of the Armenian military, it is impossible not to blame almost the entire political elite of Armenia for them. And both the current and the former. And none of them has so far tried to find out who gave inhumane orders for missile strikes on peaceful Ganja, Barda, or Tartar. To bomb people who have nothing to do with the war and military operations. Children who didn't know anything about the war at all, mothers who only cared about the well-being of their sons and daughters. And it is clear that these actions could not be carried out without the approval of the Supreme Commander of Armenia – Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. A missile strike of such force, and at a great distance from the front, could only be inflicted with his sanction since its terrible consequences were too obvious.

The shelling of Ganja, as it became clear later, was deliberately carried out with the help of missiles with a maximum radius of destruction from the Armenian troops in service. The antediluvian Soviet Scud (R-17) missiles have been stored in Armenian warehouses since the 70s of the last century, and for all their monstrous power, they were outdated weapons with a large deflection radius.

But it is unclear why the Armenian public and the country's politicians have not asked Pashinyan about his involvement in this bloody act. And if it is still possible to explain why the representatives of the pro–Pashinyan faction in parliament do not do this - they are afraid to spit into the well from which they drink, then why are the representatives of the Armenian opposition, who hate Pashinyan so fiercely, not interested in these crimes? After all, the Armenian opposition literally goes out of its way to convict the prime minister of any crime, and its leaders periodically accuse the prime minister of various sins. But for some reason, the question of the degree of Pashinyan's responsibility for the death of Azerbaijani citizens is bypassed. This once again leads to the conclusion about how inhumane and arrogant the world Armenians are, dividing all peoples "into their own" and the whole "rest of the world". About the death of "strangers", a stingy tear will not be shed.

However, everything is boomeranging back, and Azerbaijan is purposefully seeking in international instances the possibility of bringing Armenia's top officials to justice for crimes against the peaceful Azerbaijani population. The time will surely come when Azerbaijan will ask the criminals in full at its personal Nuremberg Tribunal.

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