Geopolitics as a reality show How not to be a pawn in someone else’s game
A world without rules—both written and unwritten. This is exactly what we are witnessing now. And many are beginning to doubt how accurately humanity has perceived the concept of "global geopolitics." But let’s be objective: perhaps it was accurate. The issue now is that it has simply turned into a reality show format. This is the era we are currently living in. A show. And sometimes, a reality. This is happening in the most critical matters of our time, matters that affect the fates of hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions.
Moreover, the backdrop of this geopolitical reality show inevitably leads some keen observers to the realization that the famous line "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle" from the cult film Terminator 2: Judgment Day has gradually made its way into state-to-state relations. They need, and that’s it. And it's no longer just clothes or means of transportation, but much more.
So, what should be done? Quietly watch what’s happening? If so, you’ll merely become an extra in this drama. Therefore, it’s not enough to simply observe the changing scenery in global geopolitics; one must try to understand what lies behind it and how the situation will develop in the future. Only this will allow one to confidently pursue their own course, aimed at protecting the interests of their country and people.
However, to be completely frank, what is happening in real-time on the planet has been a long time coming. Haven't we observed how the concept of "political leadership" has degenerated around the world, especially in Europe? After all, the individuals heading the so-called leading states of the European Union turned out to be far from as strong, firm, and confident as they should have been. But how could it have been any different, when what mattered most to them was to spend weeks discussing the infamous kiss between the former head of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, and the Spanish national football player Jennifer Hermoso during an award ceremony? Or defending the outrageous scenes at the opening of the Summer Olympics, mocking the religious feelings of believers. But what could they do, if they had prioritized serving so-called "Western liberal values"? And so, the European elite found itself as a completely amorphous political-geographical entity, easily consumed by the very first decisions and actions of U.S. President Donald Trump.
First, shock. Perhaps painful. Then, a shower. A contrasting one. From cold to hot and back again. But is this really surprising, given that Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev pointed out back in 2020 the ongoing process of degradation within the Council of Europe? As he emphasized, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is losing its significance on the international stage and no longer influences global processes. This is due to double standards and injustice.
So, what is happening today is far from spontaneous. Of course, one can justify their weakness by claiming that "we weren’t ready for reality show scenarios." But in that case, one must simply admit that they have failed to align themselves with the great leaders. After all, if those who consider themselves some of the most prominent figures on the planet can’t predict not just a dozen geopolitical chess moves ahead, but even the first two, then they must accept that they are unfulfilled politicians.
Perhaps, here it is worth mentioning the leaders of Azerbaijan, who have always placed the national interests of the country at the forefront of their decisions. For instance, with the signing of the "Contract of the Century" in 1994, nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev emphasized that Azerbaijan is a "completely independent state," and "our people" are the masters of "their own resources." He declared the establishment of "ties between Azerbaijan and the developed countries of the world, with their largest companies, creating the foundation for Azerbaijan's economy to integrate into the global economy." In 2001, Heydar Aliyev stated that by strengthening independence, "we laid a solid foundation for the future of Azerbaijan," and that "our duty is to become even stronger." The nationwide leader also famously stated that "the independence of Azerbaijan is permanent, eternal, and irreversible, and we must all work together on this path, hand in hand."
In other words, Heydar Aliyev emphasized the importance of unity within society—unity between the people and the government. When the power and the masses are united in achieving common goals, it creates a solid foundation. The significance of this principle lies in the fact that with unity in society, no external pressure or geopolitical blackmail can harm you. Because the people stand behind the president, and the president stands behind the people.
In this context, in his inaugural speech in February 2024, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev highlighted that "just as in the political and economic sphere, we have zero chance of being affected by foreign influence," noting that "we are conducting an independent policy."
On the other hand, some analysts believe that the geopolitical reality show unfolding before our eyes is not a new phenomenon. It is the same geopolitics with its content, but in a changed form. What’s different now is the ability to respond instantly to certain games, even within pre-developed scenarios, which requires intelligence and broad knowledge of any subject of conversation. Plus, confidence in one’s correctness. To illustrate this, one can refer to the immediate rebuttal by the country's leader, Ilham Aliyev, in 2020, to the provocative attempt by a BBC News correspondent: "You like only to accuse, only to attack. But look at the mirror. I told many times. Before coming and lecturing us and in your question, accusing me. It’s not a question, it’s an accusation. You talk like a prosecutor. Why? If you are so democratic and so objective why do you keep Assange in prison? For what? You keep him in prison because of his journalistic activity."
In 2020, President Aliyev also put in place a Fox News correspondent who tried to provoke by accusing official Baku of human rights violations, restricting freedom of speech, and so on. In this case, an excerpt from the interview is worth quoting:
— With respect to the family rule, again, I would like to refer you to your own country, where important positions were held by father and son. Just Bush family, Clinton family, husband and wife, Kennedy family, and in many other countries. So, it’s nothing different from what is happening in the United States.
— They were all elected democratically and transparently.
— Yes, especially President Bush, who was elected by the decision of the US Supreme Court.
— You know the American politics, Mr President.
— I know, yes. I am well prepared for that.
Short and clear.
And another excerpt from an interview with Ilham Aliyev in 2020, this time with the German TV channel ARD:
— Why actually is Karabakh so important for Azerbaijan? I mean, is there a kind of resource or is it just symbolic?
— Alsace and Lorraine, is it important for you? Bavaria, is it important for you? Or Rhine-Westphalia? It is our land, our territory, internationally recognized. It is not a matter of resources. We have main resources here in Baku. It is a matter of justice, it is a matter of national pride and it is a matter of international law.
National interests of the country. Reliance on one's own strength, which is primarily based on the unity of society and mutual understanding between the government and the people. A strong army. A powerful economy and an independent foreign policy. Only these components (in combination) can contribute to the development of a strong, solid, and confident state. Naturally, this requires a powerful political leader, endowed with the trust of society due to the perception of the leader as a true defender of the people and the country's interests. Otherwise, it leads to failure. Defeat. A threat to the country’s independence. The loss of natural resources.
Azerbaijan’s experience shows that it is not enough to possess a brilliant geographical position or vast natural resources. It is equally important to manage them wisely, if not artfully, for the sake of the people and the strengthening of national independence. Within all of this, as we mentioned earlier, are intelligence, preparedness, a broad worldview, and the knowledge of the leader.
On March 1, the President of our brotherly Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, emphasized that Türkiye’s newfound confidence in its own strength allows it to take historic steps toward peaceful resolution of problems. "Now we do not watch events from the sidelines; we act, guided by ancient statehood and the interests of the country," he stated. "We do not conform to someone else's agenda; we decisively implement a policy that changes the course of history in favor of Türkiye."
We must agree that it is very pleasant to hear this from Erdoğan, especially considering that his words about Türkiye sound almost identical when applied to Azerbaijan! Therefore, it comes as no surprise that today Azerbaijan and Türkiye have become serious geopolitical actors, whose opinions and actions on the international stage even their adversaries must reckon with.