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France’s anti-Semitism outburst: What’s driving the surge? Experts weigh in

29 August 2024 11:11

France is experiencing a surge in anti-Semitism, with authorities reporting 887 anti-Semitic incidents in the first half of 2024. This data, highlighted by the BFMTV TV channel, follows the arson of cars near a synagogue in La Grande Motte, located in the Hérault department in southern France, last Saturday, August 24. For comparison, 304 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded in the same period in 2023, marking a nearly threefold increase.

The recent attack resulted in a municipal police officer being injured when two cars were set ablaze outside the synagogue, causing a gas cylinder in one of the vehicles to explode. At the time, five people, including a rabbi, were inside the synagogue.

The French National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor's Office has taken over the investigation into the recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents. Acting French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has ordered heightened security measures at synagogues and Jewish community centres nationwide. Speaking to the second state TV channel, Darmanin reported that anti-Semitic acts in France have surged by nearly 200 per cent since the beginning of the year. He condemned the recent arson attack on a synagogue in La Grande Motte as “disgusting” and noted that “two-thirds of anti-religious acts are directed against Jews.”

Darmanin further emphasized, “To deliberately set fire to a synagogue where a rabbi and his family live, to wait for them with an axe in their hands, is an act of anti-Semitism, and that is what it should be called. Yes, the number of acts of anti-Semitism has increased today, the hatred of Jews and of Israel is being transferred to French children, women, and men who have the right to practice the religion they want.”

Why has there been such a dramatic increase in anti-Semitic sentiment in France? What factors are driving this shift in attitudes towards the Jewish community?

These questions have been explored by prominent foreign experts who shared their views with Caliber.Az.

Russian political analyst Mikhail Neizhmakov attributes the recent increase in attacks on synagogues in France primarily to escalating tensions in the Middle East and the resulting rise in anti-Israeli sentiment beyond the region.

Neizhmakov explained, “It is not without reason that in situations where such attacks have become demonstrative acts, the attackers have often used Palestinian symbols. At the same time, the participants in such attacks can be both members of the country’s Muslim community and left-wing activists among the local French. This is part of a broader trend observed in many Western countries, where public support for the Palestinian side has become more visible amid Middle East escalation.”

He further noted that according to a YouGov survey conducted between June 7 and July 8, 2024, 21% of French respondents expressed sympathy for the Palestinians in the conflict, up from 17% in a poll conducted between November and December 2023. “Of course, sympathy for the Palestinian side does not necessarily imply anti-Semitism or readiness for radical actions,” Neizhmakov added. “However, this situation creates a more favourable background for radical activists.”

Neizhmakov contends that the recent surge in radical attacks on synagogues presents additional problems for French authorities.

“Firstly, these attacks provide a pretext for criticizing Emmanuel Macron's administration and its broader security policies,” Neizhmakov said. He noted that many of Macron’s supporters are older individuals, who are particularly sensitive to security concerns.

“Secondly, there is a significant portion of French society that is sympathetic to Israel. According to the aforementioned YouGov poll, 21 per cent of respondents expressed sympathy for Israel in June 2024 regarding the Middle East conflict. Even among those who are neutral or supportive of Palestinian movements, not everyone will condone attacks on synagogues,” Neizhmakov added. “This situation creates additional challenges for the Elysee Palace, where tougher measures against radical activists might attract criticism from some politicians and left-wing media, while further attacks on synagogues could alienate more moderate voters, including supporters of the French president.”

Political expert and publicist Avigdor Eskin from Jerusalem highlights recent developments confirming the rise in anti-Semitism in France.

Eskin identifies two primary reasons for this trend. “Firstly, France hosts a large number of immigrants linked to radical strands of Islamism. Many of these individuals previously travelled to the Middle East to join the Islamic State. The situation intensified following the Hamas attack on Israel and the ensuing Gaza conflict,” he noted.

“Secondly,” Eskin added, “the weakness of the French authorities is evident. They have often accommodated radicals, despite the fact that these extremists target not only Jewish citizens but also peaceful Muslims. This reflects a broader pattern of inconsistent and ineffective policy by France in recent years.”

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