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Azerbaijan stands firm: Justice for 30-year occupation and COP29 anti-campaign Separatists face trials as foreign pro-Armenian forces ramp up opposition

11 September 2024 09:01

Azerbaijan's restoration of its internationally recognized territories, following the 2020 Karabakh conflict and the September 2023 anti-terrorist operation, marks a significant victory in its decades-long struggle. This conflict saw the liberation of lands that had been under Armenian occupation for over 28 years, with numerous war crimes committed by separatists during this period. Azerbaijan has not only reclaimed its lands but also begun bringing key figures involved in the occupation to justice.

Azerbaijan’s restored sovereignty and pursuit of justice

In the aftermath of the conflict, Baku arrested individuals who had played leading roles in the occupation. These arrests signal Azerbaijan’s pledge to mete out justice for the atrocities committed against its people. Figures such as Arayik Harutyunyan, Ruben Vardanyan, and other so-called officials from the Karabakh separatist regime now face prosecution. Azerbaijani Prosecutor-General Kamran Aliyev has confirmed that the investigation into the actions of 15 separatists has been completed, with indictments set to be sent to court.

Azerbaijan’s handling of these cases, including charges such as terrorism, humanitarian law violations, and premeditated murders, has drawn parallels with the post-World War II Nuremberg trials. Azerbaijan has committed to upholding international law throughout these proceedings, a stance reaffirmed by Prosecutor-General Kamran Aliyev. By conducting these trials, Baku seeks to establish a precedent for accountability and to close a painful chapter in its history.

Foreign interference & the role of Armenian diaspora organizations

While Azerbaijan moves forward with its legal processes, foreign actors - particularly certain pro-Armenian organizations and governments - continue to play a negative role in the ongoing conflict. These external forces, including Armenian diaspora organizations in the West, have long attempted to sway international opinion in favor of Armenian separatists.

Artak Beglaryan, the former so-called “state minister” and human rights defender for the now-defunct separatist Karabakh regime, remains a notorious figure in this campaign. Despite the collapse of the separatist state, Beglaryan is actively working to revive separatism, particularly through efforts to garner international support. His strategy focuses on portraying Azerbaijan’s actions as oppressive while framing the separatists as victims of a broader geopolitical struggle.

One notable supporter of this anti-Azerbaijani campaign is Luis Moreno Ocampo, the former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Ocampo has been outspoken in his criticism of Azerbaijan, often echoing the sentiments of Armenian separatists. His recent “Open Letter to Armenia” paints a dire picture of the situation, claiming that Armenia remains at risk, that Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian population is being ignored, and that hostages remain in Azerbaijani prisons.

However, Ocampo’s claims have little grounding in the reality of the situation. Azerbaijan has consistently maintained its commitment to justice, holding separatists accountable while upholding the principles of international law. Despite these efforts, the pro-Armenian lobby continues to push its narrative, seeking to destabilize the region once more.

The anti-Azerbaijani campaign & COP29

As Azerbaijan prepares to host the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) in November 2024, pro-Armenian forces are ramping up their efforts to discredit Baku on the international stage. The timing of the anti-Azerbaijani campaign is no coincidence. With Azerbaijan set to host a major global event, these groups aim to leverage international attention to tarnish Azerbaijan’s image.

Artak Beglaryan and others have called for the release of separatists imprisoned in Azerbaijan, hoping to use international pressure ahead of COP29 to achieve their objectives. They argue that the Armenian prisoners should be freed, even though many have already admitted to their crimes. However, Azerbaijan has made it clear that justice will be served. The Armenian government, too, is reluctant to engage in any negotiations over the release of these individuals, recognizing that Azerbaijan’s legal processes are legitimate and fair.

While the likes of Ocampo attempt to frame COP29 as an opportunity to highlight supposed injustices, they fail to recognize the global nature of the event. COP29 is a UN-led initiative focusing on climate change, and Azerbaijan’s hosting of the event underscores its commitment to international cooperation. Any attempts to shift the focus of COP29 toward the Karabakh issue are likely to fall flat, as the international community remains focused on climate action, not the grievances of a defunct separatist movement.

Armenia’s declining role & the failure of legal maneuvers

Following the collapse of the separatist regime in Karabakh, Armenia has sought various avenues to challenge Azerbaijan’s victory. One such avenue was the International Criminal Court (ICC), where Armenia hoped to bring legal action against Azerbaijan. However, after repeated failures to secure meaningful results, the Armenian government has slowed its pursuit of international legal solutions, handing the baton to more corrupt and opportunistic figures.

The failure of Armenia’s legal maneuvers can be attributed to the fact that Azerbaijan’s actions, including its anti-terrorist operation in September 2023, are in full compliance with international law. Baku’s efforts to restore its territorial integrity have been recognized by the international community, and Armenia’s attempts to frame Azerbaijan as the aggressor have been largely unsuccessful.

As a result, the Armenian diaspora and their allies have turned to other tactics, such as manipulating public opinion and stirring anti-Azerbaijani sentiment ahead of COP29. Figures like Ocampo and Beglaryan are key players in this effort, but their rhetoric is unlikely to change the outcome. Azerbaijan remains steadfast in its commitment to justice and has shown resilience in the face of foreign interference.

Conclusion: Azerbaijan’s determination & the road ahead

The arrest and prosecution of key separatist leaders represent a turning point in Azerbaijan’s efforts to seek justice for the crimes committed during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Despite the ongoing efforts by foreign pro-Armenian forces to undermine these efforts, Azerbaijan’s legal process continues unabated. The international community has recognized Baku’s right to restore its territorial integrity, and any attempts to derail this process are unlikely to succeed.

As Azerbaijan prepares to host COP29, the world’s attention will be focused on climate change and environmental issues, not the grievances of a defunct separatist regime. While the anti-Azerbaijani campaign may continue in the shadows, it will ultimately fail to disrupt Azerbaijan’s progress. The road ahead for Baku is clear: justice for the past, stability for the future, and a commitment to upholding international law.

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