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Make way, the Turks are coming A center of power that demands respect

16 January 2023 15:41

The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) issued a statement regarding the illegal exploitation of natural resources from the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan. The OTS Secretariat called for the immediate cessation of the above-mentioned illegal actions and supports all efforts by Azerbaijan.

This news is revealing. To understand this, let’s have a simple thought experiment, which is to say, could we have imagined such a statement 15, 10, or even 5 years ago? We couldn’t. We didn’t.

Since then, much has changed. The ice started melting in 2020. It was then, that the first political statements of the then-Turkic Council (TC) appeared. It was then, that the organization condemned Armenia’s provocations against Azerbaijan. In October, it supported Azerbaijan’s military operation to liberate its occupied lands, and in December of that year, the TC condemned the US for the sanctions imposed on Türkiye.

The integration of the Turkic world is a complex process, even contradictory in some aspects but is an urgent necessity for the security and development of the Turkic states. Let’s consider several aspects of this integration.


The occupation of Karabakh in the early 1990s demonstrated how vulnerable Turkic countries can become in the absence of a strong state and, therefore, a powerful military force. Without trying to reduce the merits of our statehood- and military architecture in any way, we are obliged to mention the enormous role of brotherly Türkiye, both in the training of military personnel and in the general political and diplomatic support of our country throughout the period before, during and after the 44-day war.

Azerbaijan’s confident victory in the autumn of 2020 was a symbolic catalyst for further integration. It has instilled in other Turkic countries a sense of pride for brotherly nations, has contributed to the re-evaluation of the fact of their independence and has inspired them to strengthen it. The union between Azerbaijan and Türkiye has demonstrated the necessity for the quick deepening of cooperation to the whole Turkic world. This is all the more important given Russia’s aggressive rhetoric on the one hand, and China’s mounting economic pressure on the Central Asian region on the other.

The issue of military integration is pressing, but there are many obstacles in the way. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, for example, are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), while Türkiye is a member of NATO, that is, the opposing bloc. However, under the conditions of a collapsing world order, when military blocs no longer seem to be something eternal, there is a possible avalanche of disintegration and the Turkic countries are by definition obliged to create their own security system. Preparations are already underway. We have witnessed the signing of treaties of a defence nature on various scales between Türkiye on the one hand and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on the other.

It’s not that simple with Russia. The idea of Eurasia, which, in one way or another, dominates the political establishment of Russia and directs the union of Russia with the Turkic states, being under the protectorate of Moscow though. The war in Ukraine, whatever its outcome, has already depleted Russia, and undermined its image and demographic potential. Contrary to military rhetoric, Russia will no longer have the power to spread imperial discourse over vast areas of Central Asia.

In these circumstances, it is quite possible to create an equal partnership of the Turkic states with Russia, as they will create a zone of security for it from the threats of Islamic extremism, and partially from the potential Chinese threat. An extensive network of transport links to both Europe and China would serve common economic interests. The complex but progressive development of the Ankara-Baku-Moscow triangle shows the potential of such a course of events.


One can speak about common values for a long time, but without a strong economic basis, the prospects for integration are not bright. Turkmenistan’s policy is indicative in this regard. Being a Turkic country, it has long distanced itself from the processes of Turkic integration, referring to its neutral status, but against the background of the country’s intended participation in the trans-Caspian pipeline, The Central Asian state has actively joined the process and Ashgabat is expected to join the OTS very soon.

In any case, it must be acknowledged that, in economic terms, Turkic integration has not yet used all of its potential power. Its trade levels with Russia still exceed a similar turnover with Türkiye. However, in light of the war in Ukraine, the role of Turkic countries as suppliers and transit of natural gas to Europe is increasing. This premise could give new impetus to a stronger economic union. The opening of the Zangezur corridor is also very important for the project, which will allow the creation of a whole Turkic economic space with all its attributes.

The political engine of Turkic integration, Türkiye, does not have enough economic power to promote integrational policies in Central Asia so far. It itself is also dependent on raw materials from the Central Asian states. In this regard, there should be no jealousy among the Turkic leaders. It is logical to provide Türkiye with energy resources in exchange for political and military resources. The more external threats increase, the faster leaders will come to this conclusion.


From an ideological point of view, the most essential thing is not to fall into provincial ethnic chauvinism. We will, thus, narrow our horizon of vision and development. Turks, including Azerbaijanis, have been a supra-ethnic state-building phenomenon throughout history. Our ethnos has created several dozen states, some of which have evolved into empires in the vast range of the Caucasus, Iran and the Middle East. Reducing the Turkic consciousness to ethnic pride would suffocate its civilizational nature. Elevating ethnic attributes to the rank of some higher values, proving that yours is the best, up to the revival of pagan ancestral cults is a path to nowhere, or rather toward an abyss.

These elements of self-love can alienate not only small nations living on the territory of the Turkic countries, but also those non-Turkish countries that would not mind joining the union. By the same logic, we should dismiss any imperialist message from this blueprint.

Speaking of Islam as a common religion of the Turkic countries, it seems logical that we should become both leaders of the Muslim world and its main negotiators with the West, which will remain the main center of power in the world for a long time. The background is this. The Arab world, due to its cultural features, is still perceived in the Western world as exotic. Iran with its alleged Shia agenda, which, if dug deeper, serves Persian nationalism in its Iranian aspect, also serves to divide Islamic civilization rather than unify.

The Turkic world, of which Türkiye, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are the most active representatives, are the communities, in a cultural sense, closest to the European civilization, and accordingly, called to have a dialogue with it. No one doubts that such a dialogue of civilizations is ripe.

Turkism is not an end, but a means. The goal is to create a powerful, civilizational subject of world politics, promoting an agenda of justice based on shared values. We are not just a “thing in ourselves”, we are obliged to provide something to the world and reveal new, bright ideas to it.

Non-Turkish countries

One of the first indications of interest from non-Turkish countries in this integration is Hungary’s increased attention to it, down to its expressed intention to enter it in the future. We recall, that Hungary is an observer member in the OTS since the end of 2018.

It’s not just because Hungarians have Hun blood. It also seems logical to us that the Hungarians, being somewhat separated from other European people, felt the collapse of the neo-liberal order before other Europeans did and are actively seeking new geopolitical allies. Hungary’s entry into the OTS will send the strongest signal of the non-ethnic nature of the union, and will significantly weaken the Eurocentric picture of the world with all its accompanying consequences.


We, the Turkic people, united by a common ethic, are in the same geography, have vast energy and human resources and have a high level of education. This level of education should be directed towards the development of a complete industrial production chain, including advanced technologies, with the goal of reaching the frontlines of technologically advanced societies.

Talking about progress, you arrive at the conclusion of how well the founding fathers of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic chose the colours for our national flag, symbolizing Turkism, Modernism and Islam. It must be clear to all of us, regardless of political beliefs, that modernism must be the central red string in our development. If you’re not modern, you lose. Neither the studying of runes, wearing of jeans, nor picking up beads will save you from destruction if you are not healthy, educated, and armed with the latest technology. In this sense, the Turkic world is faced with the task of designing and implementing the highest standards of education, medicine and defense.

In conclusion, and in support of the above, a little bit of physiognomy. Look at this photo.

It expresses nothing but the formation of a private elite Turkic world. Not the vain desire to enter a privileged club, but the indomitable intent to build its center of power, which all other gentlemen must respect. These are serious people and we need as many serious people as possible.

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