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The unity of the Turkic world A vision for the future

07 June 2024 17:00

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed his optimism and outlined the significant strides taken towards unifying the Turkic world. The plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic-speaking countries (TURKPA) in Baku symbolizes the ongoing efforts of Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and other Turkic states to foster unity and cooperation.

Strengthening the Turkic world

President Aliyev emphasized that the unification of the Turkic world is a cornerstone of Azerbaijan's foreign policy. Since his re-election, he reiterated that the Turkic world is Azerbaijan's family, highlighting the deep-rooted connections and shared cultural heritage among these nations. The work undertaken by the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in recent years has further solidified these bonds, paving the way for closer collaboration.

The upcoming informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha carries immense symbolic weight, the Azerbaijani president said at the meeting with TURKPA top officials, ascribing Shusha’s liberation from occupation nearly four years ago to becoming a beacon of resilience and revival.

The city is undergoing significant reconstruction, with contributions from various Turkic nations, reflecting the collective spirit and support within the Turkic world. This summit in the historical Azerbaijani city will focus on crucial topics such as transport and climate, underscoring the interconnectedness of these issues with the broader goal of unification.

The idea of strengthening and unifying the Turkic world has gained considerable traction, reflecting a strategic vision for transforming the region into a significant global powerhouse. This vision emerges against the backdrop of existing global power centers facing various crises, highlighting a unique opportunity for the Turkic world to assert itself on the international stage.

The Turkic world spans a vast and diverse geography, which offers several strategic advantages. The extensive land area is not just expansive but also rich in natural resources. Additionally, the region benefits from critical transportation routes that can facilitate trade and economic integration.

Demographically, the Turkic world boasts a growing and youthful population. This demographic profile presents a potential workforce that can drive economic growth and innovation. The youthfulness of the population can also contribute to a dynamic and adaptable society, capable of meeting the challenges of the modern world.

The unity within the Turkic world is underpinned by shared ethnic and cultural roots. This intrinsic connection forms a strong foundation for collaboration and collective action. The common heritage fosters a sense of belonging and mutual understanding, which is crucial for maintaining solidarity and cooperation among the Turkic states.

The potential of the Turkic world is growing, and this growth trajectory can be sustained and enhanced through strategic actions. To capitalize on the region's inherent strengths, it is imperative to implement practical steps that reinforce unity and cooperation. This includes developing joint economic projects, enhancing transportation and communication infrastructure, and fostering cultural and educational exchanges.

Moreover, the emphasis on unity is not merely rhetorical but needs to be translated into tangible policy initiatives. These initiatives should aim at deepening economic integration, coordinating foreign policies, and establishing robust institutions that can manage and sustain collaborative efforts.

Middle Corridor and transport links

One of the primary themes of the upcoming summit is the establishment and expansion of transport links, particularly the Middle Corridor. This initiative aims to enhance cargo transportation across Turkic states, facilitating trade and economic integration. President Aliyev highlighted the growing global demand for the Middle Corridor, stressing the need for continuous dialogue and strategic planning to maximize its potential.

Climate issues are at the forefront of Azerbaijan's agenda, with the nation set to host the COP29 conference. This global event underscores Azerbaijan's commitment to addressing environmental challenges. The informal summit in Shusha will provide a platform for Turkic states to discuss climate-related strategies, ensuring that collective efforts are aligned with global sustainability goals.

At the meeting with TURKPA parliamentary officials, President Aliyev detailed the extensive reconstruction efforts in liberated territories such as Shusha, Aghdam, and Fuzuli. The involvement of companies from Türkiye in these projects exemplifies the practical aspects of Turkic unity. Roads, tunnels, viaducts, and railways are being constructed, symbolizing the tangible benefits of cooperation. This infrastructure development is pivotal in reviving these regions and facilitating the return of displaced populations.


The resettlement of former internally displaced persons (IDPs) is a significant achievement. Thousands have already returned to their ancestral lands, with more expected to follow. This resettlement process is not only a testament to Azerbaijan's commitment to restoring its territories but also a reflection of the broader support from the Turkic world. Schools and art centers, funded by countries like Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, further illustrate this collaborative spirit.

The role of international cooperation

The strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Türkiye is a cornerstone of Turkic unity. The Shusha Declaration, signed in 2021, formalized this alliance, marking the highest form of cooperation between the two nations. This alliance extends to various fields, including security, military, and economic domains, demonstrating the comprehensive nature of their relationship.


President Aliyev acknowledged the support of other Turkic states and their contributions to diplomatic efforts. The recent peaceful return of villages in Gazakh District through negotiations exemplifies the potential for resolving disputes amicably. Such diplomatic achievements highlight the effectiveness of the collective approach advocated by the Organization of Turkic States.

The Azerbaijani president also addressed the challenges posed by Armenia's historical territorial claims against Azerbaijan and Türkiye. President Aliyev stressed the importance of Armenia renouncing these claims to pave the way for lasting peace and cooperation. The peaceful negotiation of borders and the proposed abolition of the Minsk Group are steps towards resolving these long-standing issues.

President Aliyev emphasized the need to strengthen the Organization of Turkic States by increasing its budget and expanding its activities. Azerbaijan's additional contribution of $2 million is a testament to its commitment to this cause. Strengthening the organization's international presence and participation in global events will further solidify its role as a significant player on the world stage.


The Turkic world stands at a pivotal moment with the potential to become a formidable global powerhouse. The combination of a vast geography, abundant natural resources, a young population, and deep-rooted cultural unity provides a solid foundation for growth. However, realizing this potential requires deliberate and strategic actions to strengthen and unify the region. By doing so, the Turkic world can navigate the complexities of the global landscape and emerge as a leading force on the international stage.

The plenary session of TURKPA and President Aliyev's address underscore the profound commitment of Azerbaijan and other Turkic states to unification and cooperation. Through strategic initiatives, symbolic actions, and diplomatic efforts, the Turkic world is poised to become a formidable powerhouse on the global stage.

The upcoming informal summit in Shusha will be a pivotal moment in this journey, highlighting the shared vision and collective efforts of the Turkic nations. The unity of the Turkic world, grounded in cultural and historical ties, promises a future of strength, resilience, and prosperity for all member states.

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