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When arbitrators turn into Trojan horses UN and UNESCO in the service of Armenians

14 October 2023 12:13

This is simply a disgusting, shameful, and insulting trial to the memory of thousands of Azerbaijanis who died in the battles for the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Fatherland.

Azerbaijan has long been convinced that the resolutions of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly are worthless - Armenia ignored them, continuing the occupation of Azerbaijani lands. However, no sanctions were imposed on her for this.

Now, after Azerbaijan independently restored full sovereignty over Karabakh, forcing the Karabakh junta to declare self-dissolution, we see disgusting attempts to put pressure on Azerbaijan. They are trying to put pressure not on the occupying country, but on the victim of the occupation. They are trying to exert pressure on the state on whose territory there is a monument to Armenian barbarism - the city of Aghdam.

It was rightly called the “Caucasus Hiroshima” because the scale of destruction there staggers the imagination. At the same time, there is not a single city destroyed by Azerbaijan on the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Whereas, on the instructions of current Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during the 44-day war, missile strikes were carried out on Ganja, Barda, and Mingachevir. Again, we did not see any effective condemnation of the Armenian leadership by the UN and those who call themselves the international community.

However, we saw attempts to put pressure on official Baku from the Armenian-French tandem. This has already resulted in the convening of two meetings of the UN Security Council. At a minimum, the plans of Yerevan and Paris were to achieve the condemnation of Azerbaijan, at a maximum - to get the go-ahead for France's military presence in the region. These plans failed. Azerbaijan and its allies thwarted them.

Nevertheless, Yerevan and Paris did not calm down. Therefore, we see the use of the International Court of Justice as a means of putting pressure on Azerbaijan. We have already heard the speech of the representative of Armenia in this court, who has more in common with quasi-judicial. There is no other way to describe the situation in which the representative of Armenia, Yeghishe Kirakosyan, listed 10 interim demands against Azerbaijan in the UN court!

Think about the cynicism and horror of the situation! Armenia, which carried out ethnic cleansing, as a result of which there is not a single Azerbaijani on its territory, whose militants committed genocide in Khojaly, forced a million Azerbaijanis to become refugees and internally displaced persons, has the audacity to bend its fingers and demand something! Those states, forces, and organizations that stand behind her allow her to do this.

However, that is not all. One of the demands voiced by Kirakosyan was the withdrawal of “all military and law enforcement officers from all civilian settlements of Nagorno-Karabakh occupied as a result of the armed attack on September 19, 2023”.

That is, Armenia is trying to tell official Baku where to keep its troops on the territory of Azerbaijan! There is an amazing reluctance to assess the existing reality.

What do you think of Armenia’s demand “not to take punitive actions against former or current representatives of the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities”?! That is, in Yerevan, they openly declare that the leaders of the Karabakh junta who are guilty of heinous crimes against the civilian Azerbaijani population should be released. I understand where such Armenian hope “grows” from.

We are talking about the events of the relatively recent past, when France agreed to release a number of Armenian terrorists who committed terror attacks on its territory. The French government then made a shameful agreement with Armenian terrorists. However, Azerbaijan is not France. In our country, no one will ever forgive the Armenian child killers and terrorists for what they did.

In general, Paris and Yerevan must understand that any attempts to exert pressure on Azerbaijan are not only in vain but also dangerous for those who carry them out. The current situation illustrates this perfectly. Azerbaijan’s position is simple, understandable, and fair - our country is ready to cooperate with the office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, whose employees, together with representatives of the relevant specialized agencies of the organization, have already visited the liberated Azerbaijani territories twice.

Moreover, Baku fully supports this process. Based on the results of the trips, reports were presented in which it was noted that there were no recorded facts of negative treatment of the Armenian residents of Karabakh, who left these territories on their own free will and moved to Armenia.

In this regard, the complaints of UNESCO and other UN structures regarding what they call “Armenian cultural heritage” are also absurd. It is amazing that monuments to Armenian terrorists and murderers of Azerbaijani civilians are also included in this category. If the Armenians valued these monuments to terrorists so much, they could well have taken them with them to the Republic of Armenia. There will not be a single monument to these murderers on the territory of Azerbaijan!

I would also like to remind you that the UNESCO mission has not yet visited the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. This organization did not in any way prevent the fact that during the occupation of our lands, Armenia plundered and destroyed all Azerbaijani cultural and religious heritage, our cities and villages.

Only after UNESCO and the UN give a fair assessment of these Armenian crimes and achieve the condemnation of Armenia, will it be possible to listen to the claims of these organizations against Azerbaijan. Just listen, nothing more. Because of their previous silence regarding the crimes committed by the Republic of Armenia, the UN and UNESCO deprived themselves of the right to the role of arbitrators. They are much more like the Trojan horses of the world Armenians and the attitude towards them in our country is appropriate.

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