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France dreams of organising “small war” in South Caucasus Paris preparing Yerevan for slaughter

04 December 2023 17:34

The news that the French Senate recommended that the French authorities consider the issue of supplying offensive weapons to Armenia should not be surprising.

The Senate made a truly awful decision in terms of stupidity and provocation, namely, the resolution recognising the independence of Artsakh in late November 2020, that is, after the end of the 44-day second Karabakh war and the signing of the tripartite statement by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, which was essentially an act of surrender.

This decision was made under French President Emmanuel Macron’s personal permission. All members of the party he led voted for this immoral resolution. This was France’s response to Azerbaijan’s historic victory in the 44-day war which was waged on the territory of Azerbaijan, rather than Armenia.

Even then it became clear that it is not worth making a compromise for a huge gain. France finally refused the balance and openly supported the occupying country – Armenia, thereby proving the impossibility of perceiving it as a mediator in the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Armenia and Karabakh separatists were very happy.

Baku called the resolution of the French Senate a piece of paper. However, the Armenian side rejoiced, claiming that a “historic event” had occurred. Time has proven how primitive these Armenian talkers were in their understanding of reality.

Azerbaijan, having brilliantly carried out counter-terrorism measures lasting only a day, finally restored its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The flag of Azerbaijan was raised in Khankendi, Khojaly, Khojavend. The Karabakh junta announced its self-dissolution, and its former leaders were detained, taken to Baku and awaiting trial. So, there was a resolution of the French Senate and remains an unnecessary piece of paper. A copy of it can be given to the former leaders of the Karabakh separatists to use it as a toilet paper.

By the way, none of the senators who adopted this resolution came to Baku to deliver a Christmas and New Year parcel for the former leaders of the Karabakh junta. The French Senate preferred to focus on something else, namely, on the supply of offensive weapons to Armenia.

The initiators of another provocative step recommended exploring the issue of supplying CAESAR artillery systems as soon as possible, taking into account their effectiveness, as well as the new production capacity of Nexter company in 2024.

Arms supplies are not recommended for warring and critically needy Ukraine, which is fighting for its existence. The Ukrainian leadership has repeatedly stated that it needs everything that would help change the situation on the battlefield. The provision of Ukraine with numerous CAESAR artillery systems would be more appropriate and logical.

However, the French Senate recommends supplying weapons to Armenia, on the territory of which no hostilities have been ever held. Baku has repeatedly stated that it has no territorial claims against Armenia. So why is France providing this country with such weapons? The answer is obvious - for a provocation, which was planned earlier, but failed thanks to Azerbaijan’s counter-terrorism measures which were perfectly planned and implemented.

According to the plans of Paris and Yerevan, this counter-terrorism operation was supposed to be lengthy. At the same time, a provocation was being prepared on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conventional border, similar to the one that was held in the direction of the Tovuz district in the summer of 2020.

The goal of all these Armenian-French plans was to find a “ground” for imposing sanctions against Azerbaijan and sending of French troops to Armenia, and possibly to Karabakh. As we see, Azerbaijan has cancelled these plans.

We also observed the failure of the Armenian-French tandem in the UN Security Council, where an attempt was made twice to adopt an anti-Azerbaijani resolution.

As for the figures published by Le Figaro newspaper, 67 per cent of the French do not trust incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron to solve the problems facing the country.

Apparently, President Macron and his fellow party members in the Senate are trying to organise a “small war” in the South Caucasus. The French, of course, are going to fight remotely, until the last Armenian soldier dies. Azerbaijan is ready for this provocation. The provocateurs will get what they deserve, while the French weapons will be showcased in the War Trophies Park in Baku.

Paris will order Pashinyan to commit provocation and time will show the Armenian leadership’s future fate. The Armenians are unlikely to forgive Pashinyan for another military-political fiasco.

Akbar Hasanov

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