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New realities of South Caucasus: Not thanks to, but despite everything World centers are frequenting Baku

09 December 2023 17:27

On December 8, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejcinovic-Buric. He accepted her in a radically new geopolitical situation that has developed in the South Caucasus region after Azerbaijan completely restored its sovereignty and territorial integrity following a brilliantly carried out anti-terrorist operation.

We all remember how Armenia and France, as well as the world Armenians and the politicians recruited by them in different countries began to accuse Azerbaijan of mythical “ethnic cleansing”, demanding the introduction of sanctions against Azerbaijan, which acted in strict accordance with international law and implementing UN Security and General Assembly resolutions, which explicitly demanded the withdrawal of all Armenian illegal armed groups from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

Nothing good came of it for them. Azerbaijan has become too strong, not only economically and from a military point of view, but also in the world political arena, having acquired a large number of friends on different continents. As a result, Yerevan and Paris’s plans remained as plans. Azerbaijan continued to insist on the priority of direct, bilateral contacts between representatives of Baku and Yerevan. On December 8, the whole world became convinced of how effective the format proposed by Azerbaijan is.

Yes, I writing about huge activities, which ultimately led to the appearance of a joint statement by the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia. It began with the words that the parties shared the view that a historic opportunity had presented itself to achieve the long-awaited peace in the region. It included several specific steps, the implementation of which was a big step towards peace between our countries and peoples.

Naturally, this development of events causes a huge resonance in the world and we have already heard statements in support of such steps from Baku and Yerevan from Turkey, the USA, Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Germany, Brazil, and other countries.

During a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Maria Pejčinović-Burich also highly appreciated the joint statement of the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia and the resulting steps taken to build trust between the two countries. She also said that the Council of Europe is ready to contribute to the processes of building trust between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Right words, but the CE should have made a real contribution to all this much earlier, decades ago when Yerevan openly ignored international law when Armenia kept 20% of the territories of Azerbaijan under occupation.

The CE had all the necessary mechanisms of pressure on the occupying country, but no one took advantage of them. Moreover, after the 44-day war, when Azerbaijani environmental activists protested against the illegal exploitation of our natural resources by the Karabakh junta, it was Marija Pejcinovic-Buric who made an inappropriate statement.

“I am extremely concerned about the serious humanitarian and human rights situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, and my thoughts go out to the residents who are bearing the brunt of this situation.

“I strongly repeat my previous calls to restore free movement along the Lachin corridor,” she said then. That statement by the CE Secretary General was not balanced, objective, and it did not contribute in any way to establishing an atmosphere of trust in the region.

On the contrary, they could well be interpreted as words of support addressed to holders of Armenian passports who were illegally residing on Azerbaijani soil. Now, as we see, she voices completely different speeches. But this happened only after Azerbaijan showed the whole world how to achieve its goals, force the aggressor to peace, and implement UN resolutions that were ignored by Armenia.

Likewise, contrary to the assertions of the co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group, Azerbaijan has proven that the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has a military solution. Our country, led by a politician of a new formation, has created a precedent for achieving a just goal despite all the obstacles in its path. And in Baku, they are now smiling at how the position of so many politicians is radically changing, who in reality are just forced to come to terms with new realities.

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