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US-Armenia relations: flirtation or serious commitment? Radio Liberty's failed provocation

12 April 2024 12:45

This was some kind of unexplained self-disclosure session of the Armenian service of Radio Liberty. The journalists interviewed the US Ambassador to Armenia Kristina Kvien. The fact itself is not surprising, as well as the time chosen for its appearance. After all, it is quite obvious that there is a flirtation between Yerevan and Washington. More precisely, Yerevan believes that they are being flirted with.

In reality, it is obvious that an experienced chaser and his next victim always have different goals. A chaser longs for "love and abandonment", while a victim longs for "love till the grave" with a guaranteed generous allowance till that very grave. How does it all end? Tears and hysterics of the next victim of catcher, her attempts to get even on someone else. The American-Armenian political connection will end exactly the same way.

It is true that the Armenian government is now trying to create the appearance that they are in a serious and long-term relationship with the United States. After the Brussels meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the US plans to provide more than $65 million in aid to Armenia from the budget funds. In addition, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) will invest additional $33 million in the development of trade turnover between Armenia and the United States. This was announced by the USAID Administrator Samantha Power.

I would also like to note that the US and Armenia are having "very active and meaningful discussions on security and defence," as the heroine of our current narrative, US Ambassador to Armenia Kristina Kvien, stated. She added that the US will appoint an advisor to assist Armenia's Defence Ministry. She told about all this in the very same interview with the Armenian service of Radio Liberty.

And her answers seemed to inspire the correspondent so much that he lost his sense of reality, behaving like an arrogant kept woman. He twice asked the US ambassador the same question: "Will the US apply sanctions or other international coercive measures against Azerbaijan because of its bellicose rhetoric against Armenia? Naturally, any adequate person realizes the absurdity of such a question. But we are not talking about an adequate character, but about an Armenian journalist of an American publication. He really hopes that the United States is ready to impose some sanctions against Azerbaijan, i.e. against the country that has restored its territorial integrity.

Armenia was the country that occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan's territory. Armenian illegal armed groups forcibly expelled hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis from their homes. Armenia had committed genocide in Khojaly and many other horrific crimes. Armenia refused to fulfill the requirements stipulated in four well-known resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly. Armenia plundered natural resources in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Two former Armenian presidents - Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan were Karabakh separatists.

And the incumbent Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan organised drunken dances in Shusha and made a statement in Khankandi: "Karabakh is Armenia - period". These actions, as well as regular shelling of Azerbaijani army positions, provoked the beginning of the 44-day war. All the battles the course of which took place on the recognized by entire world, including the US, territory of Azerbaijan. There were no battles on the territory of Armenia.

At the same time, under the direct orders of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, missile and artillery strikes were launched against peaceful Azerbaijani towns during the 44-day war, killing and wounding hundreds of Azerbaijanis. In addition, even after the end of the 44-day war, Armenia continued to finance and arm the Karabakh junta and its militants. And the huge number of mines on which Azerbaijanis in Karabakh are still exploding, as well as the regularly discovered new arsenals of weapons in Khankandi are indisputable proof of this.

Given all this, sanctions should have been imposed on Armenia long ago. It has committed a huge number of crimes on the territory of Azerbaijan and against Azerbaijanis. But the United States has not imposed sanctions on Armenia which in itself is immoral on the part of the state that claims to be the world hegemon. And to be fair, it was the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby who had to justify himself before the local media for such a policy of "double standards", which was and is being pursued by official Washington.

He should have given a clear answer to the question whether the absence of his visits to Shusha and Khankandi is connected with the fact that the United States does not recognize the results of the 44-day war and counter-terrorist operation in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan? This answer would be more interesting for the Azerbaijani public than Mark Libby's comments on his visit to Beshbarmag Mountain. And it would be useful to hear from him about the true goals of the United States, which is now courting Armenia.

As for the journalist from the Armenian service of Radio Liberty, he brilliantly conducted a session of self-disclosure, demonstrating his shocking inadequacy which was also seen by the US Ambassador in Yerevan. She diplomatically pointed it out to him with her answers, the essence of which was that Armenia needs to establish relations with Azerbaijan based on the existing realities. Simply put, the Armenian provocateur received a weighty argumentative slap in the face. As they say, he asked for it.

And this has been, is and will be the fate of all Armenian provocateurs, in the form of politicians or journalists, who prefer to create myths for themselves, which they themselves then believe, eventually coming to disappointment when they are pointed out the existing reality, where Azerbaijan is the political, economic, military leader of the South Caucasus, whose interests cannot be ignored by either the United States, the EU, or Russia.

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