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Türkiye building bridges in Africa via infrastructure & diplomacy Strategic investment cementing lasting ties

24 July 2024 09:26

Türkiye's growing clout on the international stage is evident in its strategic outreach to Africa, marked by high-profile visits and significant deals. Recent moves, such as Turkish ministers' visit to Niger and a new oil and gas exploration agreement with Somalia, underscore Ankara's deepening ties with the continent. Türkiye is determined to step up efforts in infrastructure, defense, and energy sectors to win hearts and minds across Africa, highlighting its role as a reliable partner in the region's development.

Expanding presence via vital projects

Under the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Türkiye has significantly expanded its diplomatic footprint in Africa. Over two decades, Ankara has quadrupled its number of embassies, filling a void left by former colonial powers as African nations seek new alliances.

"Türkiye's approach to Africa is not just about investment; it's about building trust and fostering long-term relationships," a senior diplomat at the Turkish Foreign Ministry believes.

"We are here to stay and grow together."

Türkiye's engagement in Africa goes beyond traditional diplomacy, focusing on humanitarian aid and vital infrastructure projects. Unlike many former colonial powers, Türkiye invests first and shares benefits later, earning the trust of local governments.

Turkish companies have been involved in constructing hospitals, airports, and mosques, ensuring efficient and timely completion. In 2023 alone, Turkish contractors were part of projects worth over $80 billion, according to the Trade Ministry.

Beefing up military ties

Ankara has also signed defense agreements with several African nations, including Somalia, Libya, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Ghana. These contracts have opened doors for Türkiye's defense manufacturers, particularly in drone technology. Turkish drones, well-known for their reliability and affordability, are now in use in Chad, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

"Turkish drones have become a game-changer in the fight against terrorism in Africa," and this view is commonly shared in military and expert communities.

"Their cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency are highly valued by African nations."

Energy sector ambitions & soft power

Türkiye's interests in Africa's energy sector are expanding. Plans are underway for an oil and gas exploration mission off Somalia's coast, similar to ongoing efforts in Libyan waters. Although Ankara denies coveting Niger's uranium deposits, ties with Niger have strengthened since the 2023 coup, with high-level visits from Turkish ministers.

Türkiye's soft power in Africa is evident through its investments in education and media. The Turkish Maarif Foundation operates 140 schools, catering to 17,000 pupils, while 60,000 African students are enrolled in Turkish universities. The Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) has also ramped up its humanitarian activities and support for mosques and religious education.

Public broadcaster TRT has expanded its reach with programs in French, English, Swahili, and Hausa, and is developing training courses for aspiring journalists.

"Education is a cornerstone of our relationship with Africa," a spokesperson for the Turkish Maarif Foundation said.

"We are committed to providing quality education that empowers the next generation of African leaders."

Economic growth & job creation

Türkiye's economic engagement with Africa is marked by significant investments and job creation. Turkish companies have completed 1,864 projects across Africa, worth over $85 billion, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. Investments across the continent exceed $10 billion, employing more than 100,000 Africans.

"Türkiye's investments are transforming Africa's infrastructure landscape," a report from the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Türkiye (DEIK) underscores.

"Our projects are not just about profits but about contributing to Africa's development."

Since taking office nearly two decades ago, President Erdogan has fostered ties with Africa, presenting Türkiye as a fairer partner than former colonial powers. This diplomatic push has seen trade volume surge from $5.4 billion in 2003 to nearly $41 billion by the end of 2022, and $50 billion in 2023.

"Türkiye's approach to trade with Africa is based on mutual respect and benefit," said a senior trade official. "We believe in partnerships that are fair and equitable."

Cultural & historical ties

Türkiye's historical and cultural ties with Africa, dating back to the Ottoman Empire, play a crucial role in its current engagement. The national carrier, Turkish Airlines, has increased its destinations to 62 in Africa, promoting interaction and facilitating transportation.

"Turkish Airlines is not just about connecting places; it's about connecting people," remarked a representative from the airline. "Our flights to and from Africa are bridges of cultural exchange and cooperation."

President Erdogan's numerous visits to African countries and his encouragement of Turkish businesses, universities, NGOs, and research centres to engage with Africa highlight Türkiye's strong political determination. This commitment is reflected in the increase in Turkish embassies across Africa and the rise in African embassies in Ankara.


"President Erdogan's visits to Africa are a testament to Türkiye's dedication to building strong, lasting relationships," political analysts say. "His efforts are paving the way for deeper cooperation and mutual benefit."

Since being declared a "strategic partner" by the African Union in 2008, Türkiye has steadily strengthened its ties with the continent. The "Türkiye-Africa Cooperation Summit" has been a key platform for collaboration, leading to the development of the "Türkiye's Africa partnership policy," which emphasizes "African solutions to African problems."

"This policy is not just rhetoric; it is about real, impactful engagement," said a senior advisor at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "We are committed to supporting African-led solutions to the continent's challenges."


Türkiye's strategic investments and diplomatic efforts in Africa are reshaping the continent's development landscape. Through infrastructure projects, defense agreements, energy exploration, and cultural ties, Türkiye is winning hearts and minds, cementing its presence, and building a foundation for long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.

As Africa continues to undergo immense change, Türkiye's partnership offers a model of cooperation based on respect, shared benefits, and a commitment to the future. With a focus on building bridges and fostering development, Ankara's influence in Africa is set to grow, promising a bright future for both regions.

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