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France begins nuke-warhead production, current 290 insufficient

20 March 2024 13:01

It appears that France is on the cusp of initiating the production of fresh nuclear warheads. Available open-source information indicates that France currently possesses 290 nuclear warheads, securing the fourth position globally, behind countries such as Russia [with 5,889 warheads], the USA [possessing 5,244 warheads], and China [with 410 warheads]. The timeline for creating new nuclear weapons is rather lengthy, and industry insiders suggest that the earliest new weapons production could commence is 2025, provided the necessary approval is granted by the nuclear safety authority.

This intriguing revelation comes courtesy of various French media outlets, reports. They have reported that the French Ministry of Defense and EDF plan to combine their efforts to produce tritium. Tritium, a radioactive hydrogen isotope, presents significant challenges when it comes to preservation. The stability of the gas supply is questionable, with the quantity reducing by half every twelve years and completely depleting after the century mark. Tritium is integral to the construction of the thermonuclear bomb, which operates on the principle of tritium-tritium or tritium-deuterium fusion. Hence, there’s an urgency to maintain an adequate supply to ensure the longevity of France’s deterrence strategy.

For the manufacture of tritium, the ‘lithium irradiation’ method is employed. Back in the 1960s, two dedicated reactors, named Célestin I and Célestin II, were constructed by the Military Applications Directorate [DAM/CEA] of the Atomic Energy and Renewable Energy Commission. These reactors were designed with the primary aim of irradiating lithium to yield tritium. In line with this, a specialized production unit, known as the Atelier Tritium de Marcoule, was operational by 1967.

Arrangement of the neutron source (Lithium target irradiated by 40 MeV... |  Download Scientific Diagram

Where will France get lithium from?

For those curious, France isn’t exactly well-known for lithium production, an element crucial in various industries. Not that it doesn’t produce any, but the quantity is relatively small. The control of such production is dispersed across numerous nations, with Australia proudly holding the torch as the world’s leading producer of lithium, accounting for a staggering 47 percent of global production. You might speculate that France could collaborate with its peers Down Under, but recent political events, specifically the cancellation of a submarine manufacturing deal by Canberra, make this highly unlikely. The void left by Paris in this multibillion-dollar arrangement, earmarked for constructing Virginia-class submarines under the AUKUS initiative, has been filled by the USA and UK.

Hot on the heels of Australia is Chile, boasting approximately 30 percent of global lithium production. The lithium leaderboard continues with other significant producers, including China, Argentina, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Portugal, and Canada. Could Canada be the answer to France’s lithium dilemma? It’s a possible solution, but for now, it’s pure conjecture. The world’s remaining nations contribute a fractional 0.5 percent to global lithium production.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom for France. There are potential opportunities in worldwide lithium reserves that could be tapped. Bolivia, for instance, houses the most extensive lithium reserves at an impressive 21 million tonnes. The US isn’t far behind with 12 million tonnes, and Argentina also boasts a substantial reserve approaching 20 million tonnes. This wealth of potential sources demonstrates that there are ample opportunities for France to tap into the global lithium market.

The tritium production process

Producing tritium from lithium through the method of irradiation is an intricate process, typically conducted within nuclear reactors. The first step involves lithium-6, a stable form of lithium. When exposed to a neutron within the reactor, lithium-6 assimilates this neutron, catalyzing a nuclear reaction. As a result, helium-4 and tritium emerge from this process.

The neutron flux, which is the concentration of neutrons in which the lithium-6 is submerged, can be manipulated to regulate the amount of tritium produced. Following the conclusion of the reaction, the tritium is removed from the reactor and subsequently undergoes refinement. Tritium is critically important in the creation of nuclear weapons, more precisely, to instigate a fusion reaction. Although the exact quantity of tritium needed to build a nuclear bomb remains confidential, it is common knowledge that it requires substantial amounts.

While specifics are safeguarded by confidentiality, it is estimated that a regular thermonuclear weapon would require several grams of tritium. This is because tritium, in combination with deuterium, serves as the stimulating force for the fusion reaction that equips these weapons with their formidable destructive power.

The necessary time

France is pursuing specialized reactors. Various French media sources have indicated that two reactors, Célestin I, and Célestin II, were available to France. As noted by the Department of the Armed Forces, these reactors were operational until 2009 when they were decommissioned. Interestingly, during the 1990s, plans were already underway to replace them. The deployment of civilian nuclear reactors, like those from EDF, for lithium irradiation to generate tritium was considered, leveraging DAM resources.

This project was not a short journey. Sébastien Lecornu, the Minister of the Armed Forces, only visited the Civaux nuclear power plant in Vienne on March 18, where a service dedicated to lithium irradiation for defense purposes would be established. The operationalization of this is pending authorization from an agreement with EDF.

However, don’t worry. The plant’s reactors will still go on producing electricity as their primary function. But the power from the cores of these reactors, some of the most advanced in the country’s collection, will be put to work irradiating lithium compounds. Try envisioning these materials hitching a ride during the plant’s operation cycle. Once irradiated, they’ll be removed like spent fuel at the end of the cycle, and they’ll be moved to CEA facilities for defense use,” the Armed Forces clarified.

Current France’s nukes

As of January 2022, France boasts an imposing military arsenal of 290 operational nuclear warheads, ready for deployment via 98 strategic delivery systems. This force includes an array of 48 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, as well as 50 air-launched cruise missiles designed for dual-purpose use on land and carrier-based fighter aircraft. In addition to these, the French government has pledged to progressively modernize its nuclear forces over the coming years.

France begins nuke-warhead production, current 290 insufficient

Understandably, the French government tightly conceals the specific models and details of these weapons, with many of these details marked as ‘classified’. Historically, it’s known that France has had different types of nuclear bombs. These include air-delivered options like the TN-61, AN-11, and ASMP, alongside submarine-launched variants such as the M45 and M51.

It’s also worth noting that the French government employs a tactic of intentional ambiguity regarding public knowledge about the exact capabilities and quantities of its nuclear arsenal. This implies that detailed information about the current models in active service may not always be publicly available.

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