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Washington’s hypocrisy, warning to Yerevan, and will of Baku President Aliyev’s stern messages

05 October 2024 12:50

On October 4, President Ilham Aliyev, during a meeting with residents of Jabrayil, critically addressed the policies of the United States and other Western countries. In particular, he highlighted the destructive actions of the U.S. regarding Azerbaijan's restoration of its territorial integrity and sovereignty without Western consent. The President emphasized that today’s achievements of our country represent a significant failure for Azerbaijan's so-called "well-wishers."

US hypocrisy, Western double standards

"Today is a day of mourning, a day of grief for the anti-Azerbaijani forces. How is it possible that Azerbaijan restored its rights without any permission, without asking anyone, without fearing anyone, without considering anyone? By its own strength, thanks to the sacrifices of its children. They cannot forgive us for this, and today sanctions are imposed on Azerbaijan from America. After that, they say, let’s strengthen our friendship. What kind of friendship can be discussed?" the president emphasized, noting that Azerbaijan must rely solely on its own strength and not be swayed by any promises, flattering words, or false statements.

The President reminded that the US imposed sanctions on Azerbaijan in 1992, at a time when Azerbaijan was losing its territories, which were lifted in 2001. It should be noted that in 1992, the US Congress adopted the provocative Section 907 to the "Freedom Support Act," which prohibited the United States from providing assistance to Azerbaijan due to the conflict with Armenia. Washington suspended its implementation in 2001 when it began its intervention in Afghanistan under the pretext of the "war on terror." The Bush administration approached Azerbaijan with a request to use the country’s territory for troop deployment in Afghanistan. Since 2002, the White House has issued annual waivers to provide assistance to Azerbaijan, but as of August 2023, no decision had been made in this regard.

President Aliyev clearly characterized the behaviour of the Americans: " Because their aggressive activities in Afghanistan had begun, a war of occupation had started, and they needed us. As long as they remained in Afghanistan, these sanctions were waived annually by the US President. When they fled Afghanistan, right in front of the eyes of the entire world, these sanctions were reimposed against us. Is there a degree of ingratitude in this, or not?!"

Furthermore, President Aliyev emphasized that the hostile policies of the United States towards Azerbaijan continue even in the post-conflict period.

"60 pro-Armenian congressmen from the US Congress have appealed to the American government to impose new sanctions on Azerbaijan. This morning, I glanced through that appeal; it is a dirty appeal that cannot influence our will. However, what does this show? It shows that the policy of hostility towards us does not stop. When I looked at that appeal, I guessed that both its author and addressee were the same. Because its addressee is the US Secretary of State. But I have no doubt that this appeal was also written in the US Department of State. In other words, they are writing letters to themselves to threaten us, to accuse us," said the head of state.

The day before, 60 US congressmen, ahead of COP29 in Baku, called on the US leadership to hold Azerbaijan accountable for "war crimes, hostage-taking, and the illegal occupation of Armenian territory." There is no doubt that this diatribe from the congressmen is backed by the State Department. It seems that someone in the State Department is contemplating what will happen to them after Trump's likely victory in the upcoming elections, and thus they decided to act preemptively in hopes of winning a Nobel Peace Prize for "efforts to contain Azerbaijan."

Clearly, this latest smear campaign against Azerbaijan has nothing to do with promoting peace in the region. Instead, it underscores the hypocritical policies of the U.S. and the double standards prevalent in the West. Recently, Western media have published articles filled with slander and blackmail against Azerbaijan, alongside statements from various international organizations and appeals from congressmen. There is no doubt that this entire anti-Azerbaijani campaign is being coordinated from a central hub—the State Department, a point clearly emphasized by the Azerbaijani president.

Armenia is "playing with fire"

In exposing the hypocritical policies of certain Western countries, President Aliyev also delivered a stern message to Armenia. In particular, he stated: " Armenia has engaged in dangerous games, and they should not forget the history of the Second Karabakh War. They should not forget how they begged us for help on their knees and how they appealed to Russia at the highest levels—perhaps ten times a day—to stop the war. That has slipped from their memory, and now they have found new patrons. They walk on their knees in front of their patrons. Let them not forget the anti-terror operation. They should remember that we achieved what we wanted in that geography. Without regard for anyone or anything, we eradicated the roots of separatism in just a few hours," the president said, noting that France and similar Western countries did everything possible to perpetuate the Armenian occupation.

"Armenia violated all norms and principles of international law, occupied about 20 per cent of our lands, carried out ethnic cleansing, committed the Khojaly genocide, and left all our cities and villages in ruins. Has any official representative of any Western country ever reprimanded them? No," said Aliyev, also addressing the now-defunct and amorphous Minsk Group of the OSCE, which the Armenian side still clings to even today.

Noting that the Minsk Group was engaged in covering up these actions, justifying the Armenian occupation to some extent, and pushing Azerbaijan towards a humiliating peace, the head of state said: "When we raised our rightful voices on all international platforms, we were told that our words were too sharp. This sharp rhetoric does not bring peace closer; it distances it…There is no military solution to this conflict. In other words, Western states used all kinds of dirty tactics to reconcile us with defeat so that we would not liberate our lands from occupation. France and similar Western states did everything they could to perpetuate this occupation."

Unfortunately, the destructive policies of France, like those of the US, towards Azerbaijan in the post-conflict period have not changed at all. On the contrary, these countries continue to actively arm Armenia, fuel revanchist sentiments, and push it towards a new war with Azerbaijan. Their goal is clear: to promote their interests through war and chaos in this strategically important region. As is well known, Armenia has been assigned an unenviable role as a pawn in this dangerous game played by the West. The consequences of these games are underestimated in Yerevan, as indicated by the recent steps and actions of the Armenian government.

Baku, for its part, continues to promote a peaceful agenda in the region while being prepared for any eventuality. Today's clear messages from President Aliyev to the Armenian side and its Western patrons once again confirm that, despite external pressure, the country's independent course, based on national interests, will remain unchanged. Azerbaijan is ready to defend every inch of its land and will never waver from its mission.

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