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Iranian voice of Armenian radio Unrestrained diplomacy

17 July 2024 15:10

As reported by Caliber.Az, recently the Iranian ambassador to Armenia, Mehdi Sobhani, gave an interview to Armenian Radio Liberty, in which he made a series of provocative statements against Azerbaijan. These statements touched upon the fabricated issue of "Armenians of Karabakh" and, in their sentimentality, would have been more suitable for representatives of Armenia itself rather than a diplomat from a third country.

So, Sobhani stated: “Our position regarding the rights of Karabakh residents is clear. We recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and emphasize it, but at the same time, we believe that the rights of the Armenian residents of Karabakh should be respected. The issue is like a wound, and that wound must be healed. If that wound is not healed it may open again. When we talk about sustainable peace that wound should also be taken into account.”

Seemingly fearing being misunderstood, he quickly added a similar thought: “I myself talked to the people of Karabakh, when the refugees came, I went to Kapan (Gafan - ed.) myself, I talked to them afterwards. They said that ‘we did not leave our homes voluntarily’. No one leaves their home voluntarily. They said they did not feel safe.”

Contrary to the false claims made by the Iranian diplomat, Armenians voluntarily left Karabakh, supported by numerous documented pieces of evidence. Many Armenians who departed shared their stories through Azerbaijani media. Moreover, these interviews were conducted openly at the border, often in full view of international observers, making it implausible to suggest coercion under such scrutiny. Could Azerbaijan really oppress Armenians in front of international observers merely for giving an "incorrect" answer?

Furthermore, it would be illogical to confine people at home if the intention was to expel them, as some critics suggest. Additionally, there is evidence indicating that the leadership of the former self-declared entity, recognized by Armenians of Karabakh as “legitimate”, instructed them to leave during its final days.

Thus, in a situation where everyone knows the facts, any mention of the "Armenians of Karabakh" issue is purely political and provocative in nature. Interestingly, the Iranian representative says roughly the same thing as the US State Department. It would be easier to dismiss this as a coincidence of interests if not for another fact— the interview was conducted by Radio Liberty, funded by the US, serving as a platform for liberal ideas incompatible with Tehran's ideology, and moreover, regularly criticizing the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to the logic of Iranian authorities, this makes it "an instrument of Satan." Truly, it's a devilish eclecticism!

Perhaps the Iranian ambassador found it so crucial to voice these thoughts that he did not hesitate to use the platform of an enemy publication, likely provided to him by official Yerevan at Washington's behest. All this demonstrates how unfavourable the establishment of peace and stability in the South Caucasus is to some in Tehran.

We use "some" because of the well-known covert struggle within the Iranian political elites. Sobhani represents its extreme right wing. It is worth noting that he began his duties as ambassador to Armenia immediately after completing his mission in Syria, where he actively coordinated proxy group activities. He is closely associated with Iranian journalist Ehsan Mohaved, who harshly criticizes Azerbaijan. It is important to note that both individuals harbor strong aversions towards the reformist Masoud Pezeshkian and struggle to find their footing due to his presidency in Iran.

No second person has dealt such a strong blow to Iran-Azerbaijan relations as Sobhani. It must be acknowledged that representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) like Sobhani are not interested in the normal development of relations between Tehran and Baku and are doing everything possible to worsen them. One notable statement made by Sobhani in April this year underscores this stance: "Israel is one of the main sources of instability in the South Caucasus, and Armenian soldiers in Nagorno-Karabakh were killed with Israeli weapons."

Whatever the case, such provocations by the Iranian diplomat during a period of warming Iran-Azerbaijan relations after a prolonged crisis are deeply concerning. To prevent a new crisis in interstate relations, Tehran should take specific measures regarding its overly aggressive diplomat.

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