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Is Nikol Pashinyan debunking Armenian myths? Talk the talk vs walk the walk

12 July 2024 15:30

Nikol Pashinyan appears to be challenging entrenched Armenian historical narratives, advocating for a shift towards a more pragmatic and realistic perspective.

In recent remarks, he emphasized the importance of focusing on verifiable historical facts rather than perpetuating myths of a "great Armenia."

During a recent address, the Armenian PM drew attention to the historical foundations of Armenia, highlighting the significance of past states, dynasties, and wealth as integral to its history. This departure from focusing solely on contemporary economic issues during a government session surprised and unsettled Armenian officials, who speculated about Pashinyan's intentions. He pointed out that Armenians often reference other states more than their own within the context of Armenian history, suggesting that this trend may overshadow the history of Armenian states themselves.

Pashinyan's remarks reflect a broader theme he has previously explored: the perceived conflict between the mythical concept of "historical Armenia" and the tangible reality of the Republic of Armenia. This perspective has stirred significant debate within Armenia and the global Armenian community. Pashinyan has emphasized his commitment to the Republic of Armenia over idealised notions of historical Armenia, asserting that while he holds deep respect for historical Armenia, his duty as Prime Minister is to prioritise the interests of the current state.

"No one can love historical Armenia more than me. But I, as Prime Minister, refuse to love historical Armenia more than the Republic of Armenia. I refuse to love anything at all more than the real Armenia," Nikol Pashinyan clarified at the time.

And now, a couple of months later, Nikol Pashinyan asserts that historical Armenia was largely a product of myth-making.

"Non-state Armenia" emerges as a cutting-edge concept in historical circles. This innovative notion suggests that wherever ethnic Armenians have resided, currently reside, or will reside, there lies a potential "non-state of Armenia." Whether in a village, town, or any corner of the globe, this designation can be bestowed liberally, bolstered by appeals to figures like Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny the Younger, and Alexander the Great — who, apparently, serve as "witnesses" to the existence of something that never quite existed in reality. This narrative, though fanciful, seems to resonate delightfully with Armenians worldwide, despite its obvious mythical charm.

Pashinyan acknowledges that while Armenians may find comfort in myths of a "great Armenia," these beliefs can be misleading. He highlights how widespread belief in such myths, including the idea of a "second Armenian state of Artsakh," once energized aspirations that were later dispelled. Pashinyan himself contributed to this narrative, famously declaring in Khankendi that "Karabakh is Armenia," a sentiment that has since proven unsustainable. Now, he consistently affirms his recognition of Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Now it's high time to cure all those still infected with these myths, who cling to the fantasy of 'revenge'. It's time for the Armenian Prime Minister to move from rhetoric to action. Firstly, by finalizing the transfer of Armenian-held lands to Azerbaijan. Secondly, by amending the Armenian Constitution to expunge all clauses asserting territorial claims against Azerbaijan. These amendments are crucial for enabling a peace treaty between Baku and Yerevan, as the current constitutional provisions only fuel the risk of future conflicts rooted in Armenian myths—myths that Nikol Pashinyan claims to oppose, at least in words.

By Akbar Hasanov

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