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The big American lie A telling sign of anti-Azerbaijani sentiment

24 September 2024 16:08

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, addressing the first session of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the seventh convocation on September 23, said: “Foreign circles unable to digest our Victory are preparing new plans against us. There is no need to elaborate further on this. But the obtained data is evidence of that. This is exactly the purpose of the media campaign, the aspersion, libel and defamation campaigns - to keep this topic on the daily agenda and live with the hope that one day if Azerbaijan stumbles or weakens, these ugly actions against us will start again. In other words, we should be aware of that. The government of Azerbaijan knows this, and the public should know this too. Therefore, we have no right to be complacent.”

These are indeed fair and timely reminders. Some countries struggle to accept Azerbaijan's victories, which have fully restored the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity. This reaction reveals their true sentiments, as they unwittingly expose their own biases and grievances.

Another proof of this is that the so-called "human rights defender" of the self-dissolved, or rather burst like a soap bubble, pan-Armenian project called "Artsakh", a certain Gegham Stepanyan, was on a "working visit" to the United States from September 15-20, as was previously reported. In reality, Gegham visited American congressmen as a sort of political challenge boy. It is clear that the speech for Gegham had been prepared a long time ago and was a template set of Armenian lies, stupidity and myth-making mixed with hallucinations. In short, Stepanyan said everything that the US congressmen, led by Adam Schiff, who are engaged with American Armenians, advocate for.

Let me remind you that he and a number of US congressmen are advocating for the adoption of the “Artsakh Revenue Restoration Act,” which is a clear indication of the overwhelming amorality that reigns within the walls of the US Congress. However, the same spirit apparently reigns not only there. Stepanyan reports that he also met with representatives of the US State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom.

This is truly remarkable! Not only is the US inviting a disgraced member of the Karabakh junta, which is a blatant sign of disrespect towards Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, restored at the cost of great sacrifice, but they also took him to the US State Department. He would never have found his way there on his own, as he’s used to travel a different route, the name of which cannot be mentioned out of respect for the readers. So, it appears he was dragged by the hand into one of the departments of the American foreign ministry.

The very same one, whose leader recently called Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev. Let me remind you that while emphasizing the importance of a lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Antony Blinken stated that the United States would continue to make efforts to achieve this goal. And now we see exactly how the US is "making efforts" to achieve peace. In fact, even before this phone call between Blinken and Aliyev, it was already clear that the US is blatantly and cynically preparing Armenia for war with our country.

It's enough to recall that the US will provide Armenia with funds under the "Foreign Military Financing" (FMF) program to facilitate its access to advanced military equipment and the latest technologies. This program is one of the key tools of American foreign policy, aimed at supporting US allies and partners by providing grants or loans for the purchase of equipment, training, and meeting military needs.

So, Blinken was, to put it mildly, insincere in his conversation with our head of state. However, the president of Azerbaijan, using chess terminology, put the US secretary of state in checkmate. By stating that peace already exists in the region, our President emphasized that it was thanks to Azerbaijan's efforts that new realities and a status quo, based on justice and international law, have emerged in our region. In simpler terms, he pointed out to Blinken that the US is futilely trying to take credit for achievements made in spite of their plans.

Furthermore, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan openly and clearly pointed out to the US Secretary of State the importance of terminating the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group, which is a relic of the past, along with all the institutions associated with it.

I would also remind that during the conversation with the head of the US foreign policy department, the President of Azerbaijan emphasized that for a peace treaty to be signed between Baku and Yerevan, it is crucial for Armenia to put an end to its territorial claims against Azerbaijan in its constitution and other legislative acts. This was another clear message to Blinken, the essence of which was simple: go and demand that Armenia remove the main obstacle to the signing of a peace treaty.

Such a manner of communication with the US secretary of state can only be afforded by the leader of a truly independent and strong state. Azerbaijan is precisely that kind of state. Yes, we are fully aware of all the plans of Armenia and its patrons among the world's leading powers, the global Armenian diaspora, and the politicians of various ranks they have hired. But we are confident in both the righteousness of our cause and in our own strength. Therefore, all anti-Azerbaijani efforts are in vain. No matter what kind of "Stepanyan caravan" they may deliver to Congress or the US State Department.

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