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Armenia and its patrons Contest may be announced

09 June 2024 10:40

It is time for delightful stories. It is possible to announce a weekly contest “These Funny Neighbours and Their Patrons”.

By the way, such nominations as “For shameless lies”, “For manipulation of facts”, “For taking without asking” are possible although the contest “For taking without asking” will not be held because one country has already been punished by the Azerbaijani army for taking without asking.

It is possible to evaluate by the level of lies, the volume of screams and the level of absurdity, although, of course, other parameters will be also used.

Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Aram Hamparian with his funny statement ranks third place (in “These Funny Neighbours and Their Patrons” category).

“The US Congress must step up actions in which the US administrations have failed, namely, to hold Azerbaijan accountable, deter new aggression and help the indigenous people of Artsakh to return to their ancestral homeland safely under international protection,” Hamparian said.

Hamparian said that the US Congress must step up actions. Is the US Congress obliged to do this for former US administrations, ANCA or Hamparian? Hamparian must forget about “return under international protection” forever firstly, because there is no “Artsakh”, secondly, because the Armenian people left on their own, and thirdly, there are no Azerbaijanis in Armenia, then there will be no Armenians in Karabakh either. Hamparian ranks third and gets a special prize “For the creation of castles in the air”.

Gagik Ambartsumyan, a participant in the four-day battles and 44-day second Karabakh war in which Armenia lost ranked second in the “Neighbours are getting funnier” category.

Gagik was arrested on May 31 for participating in a rally in front of the Armenian Foreign Ministry. Proceeding from the results of the war, he fought badly, but he delivered such a speech at the trial that any speaker would envy.

Even a very talented writer will fail to deliver such a speech.

“Dear judges, I have participated, am participating and will participate in the movement “Tavush for the Motherland” movement for Mount Ararat on the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia not to be replaced by a crescent,” Ambartsumyan said.

He rightfully deserved second place, I would like to mention a topographical inaccuracy (all the winners of the contest make mistakes): Agri Dagi rather than Ararat should have been mentioned because Agri Dagi is a mountain located in Türkiye, while Ararat is, for example, Mirzoyan, Armenian Foreign Minister.

By the way, Gagik could have remembered this, it’s not difficult. Ararat is a man who works in the building near which Gagik was detained.

By the way, Gagik ranks second for the wonderful idea about the crescent on the coat of arms of Armenia. The idea is rich, there is something to think about, because the crescent is above everyone, but Mount Agri Dagi is only in Türkiye.

Finally, the honourable first place will be shared between archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan and the entire Armenian Foreign Ministry.

The archbishop ranks first in advance, which he will definitely deserve. He decided to attend a wine festival together with his supporters.

“The wine festival has begun today. We have refused from various events many times, but this one has some value. Firstly, wine as a spiritual value, secondly, to evaluate those producers who also contribute to the economic development of our lives,” Galstanyan said.

Galstanyan can hardly be called a silent and restrained person; he is an active person, looking for a place for heroism even in a relatively peaceful period.

He will certainly justify the high trust, namely, the first place and will do something wrong. There is no doubt.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry is our undisputed favorite, which shares the first place with archbishop. This ministry ranks first.

“The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and its amendments are the internal affair of the Republic of Armenia. We assess Baku’s attempts to interfere in internal political discussions on this issue, which started back in 2018, as gross interference in the internal affairs of our country,” the ministry said.

A big saddle, a carpet and a TV may be given for such a statement in the nomination - “For naivety and lack of understanding of the political situation”.

The naivety is that, apparently, the Armenian Foreign Ministry thinks that Azerbaijan is naive and trusts its neighbouring countries.

The “misunderstanding of the political situation” is that if the Constitution of Armenia contains provisions in which the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is not recognised, the Constitution of Armenia and making appropriate amendments to it may become an internal matter of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

If amendments are made, a peace treaty will not be signed. In principle, Armenia needs a peace treaty because the borders with Türkiye and Azerbaijan will not be opened without such a peace treaty.

Let's once again congratulate our laureates, I'm sure there will be more laureates next week, because time is passing, and our neighbours are not getting wiser and do not want to calm down.

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