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"Insult to American intellect" Analyst on democrats’ denial of Biden's health concerns

22 July 2024 14:48

US President Joe Biden has heeded the calls of his associates and refused to fight Donald Trump for the right to lead the planet's leading military and economic power four months before the election. Biden released a statement on Jul 21 in which he wrote that he was honoured to serve the American people as president and that he had intended to run, but that in the interest of his party and country he should withdraw from the campaign and focus on his presidential duties for the remainder of his current term. He will deliver an address in the week in which he will explain his decision and future actions in more detail.

Calls to drop out of the presidential race have been snowballing over the past month, during which Biden, 81, managed to botch a debate with Trump and publicly call Volodymyr Zelenskys "President Putin". The final decision on the new Democratic candidate will be made by the party's convention of electors on 19-22 August in Chicago. Thus, the Democrats will not be able to hold any public actions to at least something to oppose the ongoing convention of the Republican Party. And this convention demonstrates almost religious adoration of Trump, who after the assassination attempt has acquired the halo of a martyr and an invincible fighter. He was supported by his former opponents - Florida Governor Ron Desantis, who ran in the primaries, and Nikki Haley, former US permanent representative to the UN, who opposed him to the end. Attendees are also excited to meet Ohio Senator James David Vance, whom Trump chose as his running mate and who is already being touted as his successor.

The situation presents a stark contrast between the two leading US parties. "The growing pressure of Democratic Party leaders in the US Congress and close friends will force President Joe Biden to decide to withdraw from the presidential race already this weekend." Such a prediction was circulated a few days ago by the Axios portal, citing several high-ranking Democrats. And it came true. The 81-year-old president, who is now in self-imposed isolation because of COVID-19, has publicly withdrawn from the election. The question now is whether this will not be a deliberate failure for the Democratic Party?

Prominent experts shared their thoughts on this issue with Caliber.Az.

American political scientist Andrew Korybko notes that the ruling liberal-globalist elite of the United States, whose political front is the Democratic Party, is now desperately gaslighting, saying that they allegedly had no idea how bad Biden's mental health was until recently.

"It's an insult to the intelligence of every American because everyone already knew the Republicans were telling the truth, even though many Democrats pretended there was no problem. They pretended to be stupid because they hate Trump more than they love their own country. These people would rather have an interim candidate sitting in office and the country run by a behind-the-scenes shadowy elite network than have a real president in power with proper cognitive abilities. Some are concerned that average Americans are now alarmed by what they saw in the debates, and so they are frantically trying to figure out what to do since they don't want Trump back. This explains the recent unprecedented pressure on Biden to drop out of the race and let someone else run. And he has capitulated to their demands, and his coincidental COVID infection has given this an additional excuse, showing that he does not have the mental or physical abilities necessary to run a presidential campaign," the analyst says.

Now, he reported, Democrats are panicking about their electoral prospects and blatantly lying to voters about the fact that they supposedly didn't know until recently that Biden's health is so poor that it represents a major crisis for their party.

"They may not recover from this, and if Trump takes power and Republicans take control of both houses of Congress, he could quickly undo almost everything Biden implemented during his administration," Korybko believes.

For his part, Oleksandr Kraiev, an expert of the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism", recalled, that Biden recently said that he would only wait for the decision of his doctors - if they allowed him, he would go to the polls.

"But it all seemed more like stalling. Because for a long time now there has been talk in his entourage, among analysts of his campaign staff, about who could potentially replace Biden as a presidential candidate. Apparently, some younger alternative is being selected non-publicly, but at the same time with a programme and views similar to those of Biden," the analyst believes.

At the same time, he wonders whether it will be possible to make it easier for the future Democratic candidate to enter the race, to create a more favourable environment for him, without allowing the Republicans time to see his weaknesses and strike at them.

"If it's any of the most likely contenders - Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigich - they're basically going to go with the same programme that Biden has, they're not going to bring anything new to the table. And the main idea of rallying around any of these potential candidates will be - let's vote for him (her) because it's not Trump. Here's the most important thing: in the end, it will be a vote not for someone, but against someone. And, unfortunately, this is already becoming something of a tradition in American political culture," Kraiev states.

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