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Azerbaijan champions strategic ties among Turkic-speaking nations Towards transcending borders in Turkic century

21 February 2024 09:13

Amid rapid changes in geopolitical situations and global cataclysms, such as large-scale natural disasters or pandemics, heightened tensions worldwide keep threatening the future, fuelling fears of fresh wars.

Diplomatic efforts fail to address outstanding problems of the divided world, proving superpowers’ incompetence to hammer out global issues against their claims to have the right to it. On the other hand, the superpowers prefer military build-up to the negotiations table, making small nations choose sides in global confrontations.

In the maelstrom of confusion, Azerbaijan remains alert to swift changes by forming new alliances and bolstering ties with nations wishing to co-exist in peace and tranquillity and one of the major orientations of the current government is to further deepen and cement all-out relations with the Turkic-speaking nations.

While tensions between nations are escalating during times of crisis, countries are inclined to prioritize diplomacy, cooperation, and conflict resolution to prevent conflicts from escalating into a global war. Azerbaijan and its allies need to monitor global events and stay informed about developments in international relations, but it's also important to approach discussions about potential conflicts with caution and avoid spreading fear or misinformation.

In the mid of negative and disheartening forecasts, coupled with unexpected processes across the globe and in the wider Caucasus region, Azerbaijan’s initiative to intensify bonds of friendship with Central Asian nations deserves commendation. In his inaugural speech in parliament on February 14, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev renewed his call for progress and deepening of all-out relations among the Turkic states, signaling a strategic vision aimed at enhancing cooperation, solidarity, and economic integration within the Turkic-speaking world.

This initiative holds significance for several reasons.

The OTS members should bridge gaps, where possible, to defend their collective interests and hedge against contingencies. This will take time and concerted efforts to realize their national and collective interests and long-term consequences, identifying targets that are both beneficial and harmful.

The Turkic nations of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran, and other geographies were forcibly disintegrated by imperialist regimes at different periods of history to prevent their unity and ability to protect themselves and their interests. The unification of the Turkic world actors will further boost and streamline the efforts of each member state, and foil devious plots.

The Turkic states share linguistic and cultural ties that date back centuries, creating a common foundation for cooperation and collaboration. President Ilham Aliyev's emphasis on strengthening relations among Turkic states underscores the importance of leveraging these historical connections to foster closer diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties.

President Ilham Aliyev is confident that deepening ties among Turkic states holds the potential to strengthen strategic partnerships in various domains, including trade, investment, energy and security. By prioritizing collaboration within the Turkic world, President Aliyev seeks to unlock new avenues for mutual benefit and collective growth among member states.

Very much to the point, President Ilham Aliyev’s statement in Ankara on February 19, 2024, that “the unification of the Turkic world, the coexistence of peoples sharing common roots, will strengthen each member of the Organization of Turkic States” speaks volumes.

In remarks about the conduct of an informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha in July 2024, the president let everyone know his loyalty to the strengthening of inseparable bonds among members of the alliance.

“At the same time, the president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, who holds observer status, will also participate in this meeting upon my invitation, and this will provide another stronger impetus to our common work and the unity of Turkic peoples.”

Enhanced cooperation among Turkic states also contributes to regional stability and serves as a platform for addressing shared challenges, such as regional conflicts, security threats, and socioeconomic development. President Aliyev's advocacy for closer ties reflects a broader commitment to promoting stability and prosperity across the Turkic-speaking regions.

On the other hand, President Ilham Aliyev's inaugural speech serves as a diplomatic outreach effort to engage Turkic states in a unified agenda for cooperation and development. By articulating a vision of strengthened relations, Azerbaijan aims to catalyze dialogue and collaboration among Turkic states while reaffirming Azerbaijan's role as a proactive and constructive partner within the Turkic world.

Closer cooperation among Turkic states can unlock significant economic opportunities, including trade facilitation, infrastructure development, and joint investment projects. The president's call for deeper ties aligns with efforts to harness the economic potential of the Turkic-speaking regions and create a more integrated and prosperous economic space.

Overall, President Ilham Aliyev's advocacy for the development and deepening of relations among Turkic states reflects a strategic vision aimed at harnessing shared cultural, economic, and geopolitical synergies to advance mutual interests and promote regional cooperation and stability.

The development of the Turkic world, and the transformation of the OTS into a centre of political, economic, and military power is one of the main national goals of Azerbaijan, which has successfully carried out a historic mission in this process.

The views outlined by the president about our belonging to the Turkic world family should be evaluated as a single national ideological concept of the new era.

Currently, the population of the OTS member countries is more than 173 million people. The volume of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the member states is $1.5 trillion, and the trade turnover is more than $1.2 trillion. The Turkic states account for 2.2 percent of the world's population, 2.4 percent of total trade turnover, and 1.6 percent of global GDP.

The trade turnover between Azerbaijan and the Turkic states increased by 70.0 percent compared to the previous year and increased from $5.023 billion to $7.17 billion. The growth of trade turnover is directly related to the deepening of relations between the Turkic states, especially in the last 2 years.

After the victory of Azerbaijan, the Turkic states strengthened their strategic cooperation. Azerbaijan's trade turnover with the Turkic states is aimed to increase to 15 billion dollars in the coming years.

Incidentally, as Recep Tayyip Erdogan underscored at his February 19, 2024, meeting with President Ilham Aliyev in Ankara, trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Türkiye reached $7.5 billion in 2023, and the parties are determined to increase efforts to attain the target of 15 billion dollars.

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