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Azerbaijani flag over Khankendi: Belief, light and the emanation of justice Contemplations with Orkhan Amashov/VIDEO

18 October 2023 09:42

15 October 2023 was a moment of gargantuan proportions encapsulating, in a condensed multiverse, the season of light and contentment, the epoch of belief and wisdom, and the emanation of justice. Orkhan Amashov, Caliber.Az Analyst, waxes Dickensian whilst reflecting on the significance of the date on which President Aliyev raised the glorious Azerbaijani flag in Khankendi. 

The date of 15 October 2023 marked a moment of unbounded satisfaction, pride and the profoundly felt sense of being on the right side of history for Azerbaijan and, in many ways, for the entire Turkic world. On this day, Azerbaijanis across the world, not just here in this country, but traversing the globe, experienced, in very condensed form, the epoch of belief, the season of light, the age of wisdom and the spring of content. Indeed, it felt like the best of times in living memory for many, if not for all.

The Second Karabakh War of 2020 was a turning point, of course. This 44-day campaign, which resulted in the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from occupation was the vindication of “where there is the will, there is the way” philosophy. In other words, three years ago, Azerbaijan, with a great deal of exoneration and a justified sense of enhanced purpose, discovered that, once you have a strong belief in the righteousness of your mission and enough resources to accomplish this, then the world at large will come to terms with you later. President Aliyev’s famous “Shusha, you are free” speech was a clear reflection of that very self-sufficiency.

When the Azerbaijani leader, on the 20th anniversary of his ascendance to the Presidency, raised the nation’s flag in the territories of the Sarsang Reservoir, Khojavend, Khojaly, Aghdere, Asgeran, and, finally, in Khankendi, a final touch was added to the logic encapsulated in the 8 November 2020 Shusha speech. Be in no doubt, this chain of significant dates will continue: the date of a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia will mark another milestone of gargantuan proportions.

Of course, we - at least of most us - knew that the de facto restoration of Azerbaijani sovereignty over the rest of Karabakh - was in the offing and just an inexorable matter of time. I was one of those who believed it would happen sooner than one might think. Let us recall what I humbly suggested back on 8 August - two months ago.

And what should this date of 15 October 2023 mean for Armenia, as a nation, and for the Armenians of Karabakh? One might think it should mean the opposite of what it signifies for Azerbaijan, namely, the worst of times, the advent of the epoch of disbelief and incredulity, the season of darkness, a metaphorical new ice age and the winter of discontent.

I beg to differ. In the grand scheme of things, for Armenia and the Armenians of Karabakh, this date will eventually exemplify emancipation from impossible burdens and a hopeless venture. When Aliyev trampled upon the flag of the former illegal separatist entity, it was not intended to be an act of disrespect to Armenians per se.

That unrecognised flag, in many ways, represents what went wrong for Armenians over the past few decades. It exudes something vile and tragic. With the greatest possible respect to all Armenians, that piece of rag exudes hatred against Azerbaijanis, or anything remotely Turkic, incarnating baseless territorial claims and self-destructive illusion that has led to death and humanitarian tragedy.

And when Aliyev was perambulating with gravitas in the building previously used by the separatists, he was not gloating over anything, but demonstratively showing the end of what was pernicious and illegitimate. Aliyev’s reference to how relations between Azerbaijanis and Armenians were peaceful, with many being friends during the Soviet age, was a statement of how desirable it would be if those Armenians who left Karabakh after 20 September decided to return and embrace Azerbaijani citizenship.

In fact, it is now high time to prove to the world, sceptics and the Armenian diaspora, which incorrigibly endeavours to sustain animosity between the two nations, that it is not just that Azerbaijanis and Armenians could just could peacefully coexist, but also work and collaborate for the greater good of the entire region.

A sustainable peace and reconciliation requires just punishment, magnanimity and forgiveness. Aliyev’s address on 15 October entailed all three in glorious terms.

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