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Hezbollah strikes Israel's Meron air base Disabling two radar domes

08 January 2024 10:00

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagari has confirmed that a rocket attack by the Lebanese group Hezbollah damaged the air traffic control system at the Meron Air Force base in northern Israel.

He did not specify the nature and extent of the damage, but according to footage circulated by Hezbollah, two radar domes were hit by anti-tank guided missiles, The Times of Israel reports.

According to Hagari, there was no halt to airborne object detection and airspace control activities. The unit continues to operate and has "other systems as backup," the IDF spokesman said.

On January 6, the armed wing of the Shiite Hezbollah party fired more than 60 rockets from Lebanon at a military facility in northern Israel in response to the killing of Saleh al-Arouri, deputy politburo chief of the radical Palestinian Hamas movement.

Moreover, the Israeli air force bombarded Hamas infrastructure in the southern Gaza Strip, eliminated dozens of Hamas militants.

"The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said that the Kfir Brigade eliminated dozens of militants and hit more than 100 targets in the Khan Younis area, including underground tunnels," the newspaper reported.

The IDF said Israeli soldiers discovered a cache of weapons, including firearms, grenades, explosives, in another area of the city. Many of them were camouflaged. The strikes also hit Hamas observation positions, anti-tank missile launching positions, tunnel shafts, underground passages.

Israeli soldiers discovered precision cruise missile components stored in an underground weapons assembly plant in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF said it had struck Hezbollah facilities in Lebanon.

Medics of Al-Aqsa Hospital in Dir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, announced that they were forced to leave the hospital after "the Israeli army distributed leaflets calling for evacuation to nearby shelters from the area."

Eight more bodies killed in an IDF strike on a building west of Dir al-Balah were taken to Al-Aqsa Hospital overnight, sources in Gaza said. It was announced this morning that 18 bodies had been delivered.

Intense fighting has been taking place in Dir al-Balah for the past few days. The IDF has been using aircraft and artillery, while targets in the west of the city have been shelled by the Israeli Navy.

Mohammed Ali al-Husi, a member of the Houthis' Supreme Political Council, stated that ships passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait into the Red Sea should declare no ties to Israel if they want to avoid attacks.

Al-Husi wrote on social networking site X that this was a "simple and inexpensive solution" to reduce tensions in the Red Sea. He asked shipping companies and transport ministries to declare that ships approaching the strait should broadcast the phrase: "We have no relations with Israel" over the radio.

If a ship makes such a signal but then sails to an Israeli port, it will be blacklisted and attacked the next time it tries to cross the Red Sea.

Meanwhile, at a joint press conference with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al-Thani, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that attacks by the rebel Yemeni movement Ansar Allah (Houthis) in the Red Sea affect the interests of more than 40 countries and disrupt almost 20" of global shipping.

"This is not just a regional issue. These [Houthi] attacks have directly affected the citizens, cargo and commercial interests of more than 40 countries, they have disrupted or diverted nearly 20 per cent of the world's shipping. That means it takes longer to get goods to where they need to go. That increases costs, and those costs are passed on to consumers around the world," he said.

Blinken emphasised that "more than a dozen countries" have made it clear that the Houthis will be held accountable for their attacks. The US with more than 20 countries, the diplomat pointed out, has launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect shipping in the Red Sea.

In addition to the above-mentioned, Advisor to the Palestinian President Mahmoud al-Habbash, announced that the mass destruction of Gaza residents was one of the results of the military operation of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

He noted that during the three months of the IDF operation, the deaths of Palestinians became massive in modern history.

According to al-Habbash, Israel wants to "finally end its war on the Palestinian people."

He described the goal of the Israeli leadership as "breaking the will of the Palestinians and trying to force them to accept Israeli dictate."

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