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South Korea reveals Hyunmoo-5 "monster missile" in grand parade | Caliber.Az
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South Korea reveals Hyunmoo-5 "monster missile" in grand parade

02 October 2024 12:34

In a powerful display of military might, South Korea unveiled its most advanced ballistic missile, the Hyunmoo-5, during an annual Armed Forces Day parade. 

Analysts assert that the Hyunmoo-5 is capable of carrying an impressive 8-tonne conventional warhead, designed to penetrate deep underground and destroy North Korean bunkers, Caliber.Az reports referring to the foreign media.

The missile took centre stage at a military parade held at a Seoul airbase, which also featured approximately 5,300 troops, 340 military vehicles, and aerial demonstrations.

A second, smaller parade occurred on the streets of Seoul, attracting large crowds of spectators.

In a firm address to the gathered troops, President Yoon Suk-yeol warned, “If North Korea attempts to use nuclear weapons, it will face the resolute and overwhelming response of our military and the [South Korea]-US alliance. That day will be the end of the North Korean regime.” He further urged the North Korean leadership to abandon the belief that nuclear weapons could provide them with security.

Since taking office in 2022, Yoon has revitalized the tradition of annual military parades, reinforcing his strategy of “peace through strength.” His administration has also emphasized strengthening military ties with the United States and enhancing cooperation among South Korea, Washington, and Tokyo.

This year’s parade marked a notable first with the inclusion of a United States B-1B strategic bomber in the flypast, alongside participation from the US Eighth Army band and an armoured Stryker brigade.

The Hyunmoo-5, often referred to as a “monster missile” by South Korean media, successfully completed tests last year. The military describes it as the “ultra high-power Hyunmoo ballistic missile,” deployed on two nine-axle transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) vehicles.

Though categorized as a short-range missile, experts, including Yu Yong-weon, a member of South Korea’s parliamentary defense committee, suggest that with a typical 1-tonne warhead, its range could exceed 5,000 km (3,107 miles).

Yoon’s office emphasized that the Hyunmoo-5 is a critical component of the country’s “three-axis” defense strategy, which aims to counter North Korea's nuclear provocations and prepare for preemptive strikes if necessary.

Hours before the parade, North Korea's Vice Defense Minister, Kim Kang Il, condemned the B-1B flyover and accused Washington of engaging in a “reckless military bluff” following the deployment of a nuclear-powered submarine to South Korea.

In recent developments, North Korea has released images of its uranium enrichment facility and has persistently conducted weapon tests, defying international sanctions.

By Tamilla Hasanova

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