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Türkiye and Israel: Money interest that could grow into bromance With Azerbaijan's contribution

07 July 2022 10:23

Israel is returning to Türkiye. Israeli Economy Minister Orna Barbivai has announced the reopening of the Jewish trade mission in Istanbul. And this appears to be just one step in strengthening relations between the two Middle Eastern states. And Azerbaijan is doing its part in this process. Will the restart of Israeli-Turkish relations reach the level they once did?

The full launch of the Israeli trade mission in Istanbul is a sign both practical and symbolic. Since 2019, when the then attaché's tenure ended, it has effectively ceased operations.

"The reopening of the trade mission reflects the Israeli government's commitment to deepening economic ties with Türkiye," the Israeli minister said, noting that one of the new attaché's first tasks will be to organize a joint economic conference after a 13-year hiatus.

Notably, despite the sharp deterioration in political relations that began in 2010, Türkiye has remained an important trading partner for Israel all these years. The trade turnover between the countries was $7.7 billion in 2021, of which $2 billion came from Israeli exports. And now those trade ties are sure to increase - a statement from Israel's Ministry of Economy indicates that the reopening of trade attachés in Istanbul will affect some 1,540 Israeli companies currently exporting various products to the Turkish market and help strengthen their commercial activities. And such plans are certainly impressive.

The recently resumed political contacts between Israel and Türkiye also clearly show a massive perspective, as relations are being forged not only between businesses, agencies, and officials but also between the states' top officials.

The cooling in Israeli-Turkish relations began with the incident with the ship Mavi Marmara in May 2010, when it was stopped by the Israeli navy in neutral waters near Israel's borders while attempting to enter a closed military zone. The captain was asked to board the ship and change its course towards Ashdod port, but the Israeli special forces team was resisted by the passengers of the Mavi Marmara. As a result of the ensuing events, 9 Turkish citizens were killed and 30 were wounded, while 10-15 Israeli soldiers were also wounded.

Because of these tragic events, military and intelligence cooperation between the countries ceased. Türkiye stopped producing many Israeli military designs under licenses because Israel did not renew them. And now political analysts and economists are speculating whether Türkiye and Israel will resume full cooperation in all areas.

As Israeli political scientist and international relations expert Mikhail Finkel said in a commentary for Caliber.Az, Istanbul is a huge city, the center of economic reform, and Israel is returning to extensive cooperation with Türkiye, primarily in business.

"For about 15 years, all our diplomatic, military, and business relations were at their lowest level. Now everything is being restored: ambassadors and ministers are coming back, President Herzog's visit to Türkiye took place, the trade mission in Istanbul is opening - everything is back on track. But what's this all about? Let's analyze it," Finkel suggested.

In his opinion, in relations between countries, as well as in relations between people, there is always a large share of pragmatism.

And the first reason for the rapprochement, the expert believes, is the problems that have now arisen in the Russian Federation, i.e. related to its military confrontation in Ukraine. And this makes Türkiye think about finding another gas seller.

"A lot of work is already underway with Israel on the issue of selling Israeli gas to Türkiye and further, on the transit flow to Europe. When you need gas, you need to negotiate and be friends, not quarrelsome," the Israeli political scientist noted.

"The second important factor is the strengthening of Iran and various pro-Iranian military formations in Syria, which work against Türkiye and its interests on the border. So it needs military cooperation with Israel, including intelligence. There are many countries against which Türkiye and Israel have to be friends, Iran is only one of them, and there are others. It's much broader than that," Finkel stressed.

He is also sure that the era of hydrocarbons is coming to an end and Israel is needed as a source of the most modern technologies which may replace hydrocarbons and many other things.

And Azerbaijan, according to him, has always tried to smooth over the sharp angles in relations between Israel and Türkiye, and President Ilham Aliyev has personal merit in it. And now Baku also plays the most positive role in bringing Ankara and Tel-Aviv closer.

"Can I say that relations between Türkiye and Israel today are at the level of brotherhood? - the political scientist asks. - I think not. A pragmatic marriage of convenience - that is more likely how one can characterize the improvements that have already taken place, but with a positive and good hope that this marriage of convenience will grow into a marriage of love," the political scientist concluded.

However, as M. Finkel notes, Israel is "looking for money" and Türkiye is a huge market, a country with a population of more than 80 million people that is growing rapidly. So Israel wants to sell its technology, Türkiye wants to buy it, and the businesses of both countries are looking at each other with great positivity. "And here, at the level of businessmen, there is no confrontation and misunderstanding," the expert is convinced.

"Well, the states look at each other with a healthy dose of pragmatism. Let it be with some apprehension, but at the same time, they decide to move forward and reanimate what they had. Because previously, let me remind you, the relations between the two countries were very good and cordial. I think it will take some time until they return to the pre-conflict level," Finkel said.

Also, he added, amid strengthening relations with Türkiye, Israel continues to build partnerships with Azerbaijan. This cooperation is in the field of cybersecurity - protection of Azerbaijani state, military, and other Internet resources from all kinds of hacker attacks. Work is also intensifying in agriculture, tourism, medicine, academic research, and defence capabilities.

"I emphasize - the defence capability of both states. Because it is wrong to think that this direction is developing with a bias in one direction, as some of Azerbaijan's detractors claim. No, Israel also receives a lot from Azerbaijan - it is equal, partnership cooperation, which we, in Israel, are very happy about," the Israeli political scientist stressed.


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