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UK’s researchers pioneer teleoperation technology for rovers

22 October 2024 01:03

Researchers from the UK’s University of Bristol are pioneering teleoperated rovers that could revolutionize how we conduct missions on the moon in an exciting development for lunar exploration.

Teleoperated rovers could soon be navigating the moon, with human controllers on Earth remotely manipulating the rovers' tools. This cutting-edge approach enables more accurate tasks like sampling, digging, and assembly, Caliber.Az reports, citing foreign media.

Researchers at the University of Bristol's robotics lab have tested a new teleoperation system at the European Space Agency's (ESA) facility in Harwell, Oxfordshire. Using a virtual simulation of a rover, they successfully maneuvered a robotic arm to gather a sample of simulated lunar regolith. This technique eliminates the need for camera feeds, which often experience a 1.3-second communication delay between Earth and the moon.

Future missions may leverage satellites from ESA's Moonlight project to facilitate communication between teleoperators and lunar rovers. "This simulation could help us operate lunar robots remotely from Earth, sidestepping the issue of signal delays," said Joe Louca from Bristol. The virtual simulation also includes "haptic" feedback, allowing users to experience a tactile sensation that reflects the properties of lunar regolith in low gravity. This feature aids operators in determining the force required to dig or lift samples.

Currently, haptic feedback is limited to basic tasks, such as pressing regolith into the ground or dragging a scoop, while more complex actions are still being developed. "We can adjust the gravity in this model and provide haptic feedback to give astronauts an understanding of how moon dust would feel in lunar conditions, which have only one-sixth of Earth's gravitational pull," Louca explained. This system could also function as a training tool for astronauts preparing for future lunar missions, offering a realistic simulation of what they can expect. "One possibility is to have astronauts utilize this simulation to ready themselves for upcoming lunar exploration missions," Louca added. However, Louca warned that there are trust issues to consider. 

Previous studies suggest a psychological barrier that leads users to doubt whether the virtual system functions as intended in reality. Louca's team evaluated the efficiency and reliability of their virtual system, finding it was 100 per cent effective when scooping up regolith simulant and considered trustworthy 92.5 per cent of the time. While pouring the simulant from the scoop was slightly less reliable, they discovered that limiting the scoop's orientation during transport enhanced precision. Although initially designed for lunar applications, these teleoperation techniques could also be relevant for Mars missions. 

By Naila Huseynova

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