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OTS summit and Azerbaijan’s role in Turkic World integration Baku’s leadership and strategic goals

08 July 2024 11:00

On July 5-6, the heads of state from the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) convened for their inaugural informal summit in Shusha, marking a significant step towards deepening cooperation and partnership among member countries. The summit agenda covered a range of topics, including transportation, bilateral relations, climate change, and other topical issues of mutual interest.

Political scientists from Central Asian countries have weighed in on the significance of the OTS summit in Shusha.

Farhad Kasenov, head of the A+Analytics research center in Kazakhstan, highlighted the pivotal statement made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev during the summit. Aliyev underscored the strategic importance of enhancing relations and connectivity among Turkic nations.

"President Ilham Aliyev remarked that the rich natural resources of Turkic states, coupled with their modern delivery infrastructure, transportation corridors, and rich, ancient history and culture, constitute our greatest assets. According to the President of Azerbaijan, the 21st century should be an era of prosperity for the Turkic world.

In my opinion, this constitutes a profound strategic objective with long-term implications, charting the course for Turkic cooperation over the next three decades. As President Aliyev emphasized, it is imperative to strengthen these relations now, leveraging the current geopolitical climate to 'strike while the iron is hot,'" Kasenov underlined.

According to Kyrgyz political scientist Mars Sariev, Baku's ambition to foster a dynamic unity among Turkic nations holds the potential for substantial results and significant global impact.

"In this regard, the operation of the Middle Corridor is poised to be exceptionally effective, as was frequently highlighted at the summit. It is noteworthy that a recent agreement has been signed to establish a railway linking China to Europe under the auspices of the global Chinese initiative 'One Belt, One Road,' which will traverse Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

Construction of this railway is slated to commence this October. I believe that this, along with other infrastructure projects, will further consolidate the Turkic world. This initiative reflects Ilham Aliyev's commitment to unifying the Turkic states by creating an interconnected space where logistics will undoubtedly play a pivotal role," Sariev elaborated.

"I think it is very important that Azerbaijan acts as an integrator of the Turkic world, and in his speeches, President Aliyev has highlighted that the unity of the Turkic world is a pivotal factor on a global scale, primarily because it can mitigate the emergence of conflicts along border perimeters.

This interconnectedness is evident in various facets, such as the upcoming military exercises of Turkic countries, including Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, took place in the Caspian Sea in June. These exercises are crucial for the military cohesion of these states and will significantly contribute to regional stability, enabling them to counter threats emanating from regions like Afghanistan, such as incursions by groups outside Taliban control. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge that we are witnessing monumental changes across the entire Eurasian landscape, with the formation of a monolithic bloc of Turkic states poised to assert their influence on the global stage," Sariev stated.

In parallel, political scientist, senior researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Ravshan Nazarov, identifies several critical areas and themes in President Aliyev's discourse.

"Obviously, Baku demonstrates leadership qualities in the rapprochement of the Turkic world. The priorities of Azerbaijan's foreign policy have been and remain the strengthening of the Turkic world and relations with Turkic states. It is also evident that while annual OTS summits are beneficial, more frequent meetings are necessary," the political scientist noted.

He emphasized the importance of the active involvement of Turkic countries in the revival of Karabakh, highlighting the constructive contributions of various projects: the school named after Mirzo Ulugbek built by Uzbekistan, and the Kurmangazy Children's Creativity Center built by Kazakhstan. Additionally, he mentioned the plans of Kyrgyzstan and Hungary to build two more schools, as well as the efforts by Turkish companies in restoring railway and highway infrastructures.

"Ilham Aliyev's remarks about the considerable collective potential of the Turkic world is extremely pertinent: transport routes, energy resources, human capital, and a positive demographic situation all suggest that the OTS could eventually become one of the world's power centers. However, unity must prevail throughout the Turkic world, ensuring that no external forces can interfere in our affairs," the pundit asserted.

According to him, it is crucial to acknowledge that Western countries are unable to shed the legacy and rhetoric of the colonial era and continue to view the East through the lens of "third world" countries.

"Therefore, the Turkic world must focus on developing and strengthening its own institutions—such as the TurkPA, TURKSOY, the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, the Turkic Academy, and others. It is also essential to intensify the activities of bilateral investment funds, similar to those Azerbaijan has with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan," Nazarov concluded.

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