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Loiseau vs Baku Klaar also gets into hot water

12 July 2023 15:03

French Member of the European Parliament (EP) Nathalie Loiseau, known for her vehemently pro-Armenian views, has recently again reminded of her person, voicing her traditionally harsh anti-Azerbaijani attack, this time addressed to EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar.

The fact is that Klaar allowed himself to write on social networks the day before that he was “pleased to read this morning that the gas supply to Khankandi/Stepanakert has been restored”.

"Are you sure, Toivo Klaar? Are you sure that gas supplies to `Nagorno-Karabakh’ are stable and still going on? Is it `pleasant’ to read when the complete `blockade’ of the Lachin `corridor’ is still in place? Should the name Khankendi be used and used first, before `Stepanakert’? The European Parliament wants you to act, not read the news and support civilians who found themselves in the `blockade’, and not act to please those who are responsible for this `terrible’ situation,” Madame Loiseau brought down a stream of reproaches on the EU special representative.

Her next libel about Baku and its politics did not come as a surprise - nothing more than the usual outburst of Loiseau’s "boundless devotion" to Armenia. "Devotion" is by no means gratuitous - this person just honestly works out solid "fees" from generous Armenian sponsors.

However, this defender of the “orphaned and starving Armenians” still has something new. This time, she attacked not directly Azerbaijan, but the special representative for the South Caucasus. Moreover, she spoke on behalf of the entire European Parliament, and not as before - emphasizing that this is her personal position.

For example, a few months ago (in March 2023), the MEP, commenting on Klaar’s message about his arrival in Baku, considered it necessary to give him “recommendations” in her microblog on Twitter, hinting that this is supposedly the position of the EU, and therefore, he must defend the interests of Armenia in Azerbaijan, first of all, force Baku to lift the "illegal blockade of the Lachin corridor".

Although Loiseau's "recommendations" did not have the effect she expected, this note by the French lobbyist was happily published by almost all Armenian news websites, and Madame herself probably earned another financial bonus from her protégés.

In fairness, it should be noted that Loiseau unconditionally shares not only the ideas of Armenians but also the position of her country, France, which, throughout the entire Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani lands, as well as during the 44-day war, openly supported the aggression of Armenia, contrary to generally accepted international laws.

Even though in those years, for some time, she was one of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, which has sunk into oblivion, the declared task of which was the diplomatic settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Even today, although Paris officially recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, in reality, it not only ignores the provocations and actions of Armenia but also turns a blind eye to the anti-Azerbaijani actions of its representatives in the European Parliament.

It must be said that the openly hostile attitude of Loiseau towards Azerbaijan gained particular fury after the defeat of Armenia in the Second Karabakh War. Madame from Paris, one might say, vigorously defended the “Armenian cultural heritage”. And even on this occasion, in February 2022, in her microblog on Twitter, she “sounded the alarm” about the need to take action, reproaching international organizations for inaction.

“UNESCO, ALIPH Foundation, where are you? Azerbaijan has announced plans to “wipe the traces of Armenians from the churches,” the fosterling of the world Armenians angrily asked.

It is appropriate to recall how Nathalie Loiseau angrily reacted in the same Twitter to the historical note of the former Azerbaijani ambassador to France, Rahman Mustafayev, about the Zangazur region, more precisely, that Zangazur was illegally annexed to Armenia in December 1920 to support the Armenian communist government that came to power in Yerevan.

“In addition to the fact that `the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not resolved’ and flares up at every opportunity, Azerbaijan sees great opportunities in it and does not seem to want to stop and be satisfied with what has been achieved. Who will stop it and who will protect Armenia? Can we not trace several crises simultaneously?” the MEP harnessed herself to the pro-Armenian propaganda, densely messaging the world community.

Her trip to the Lachin road in June 2023 with an open demonstration of solidarity with the Armenian separatists also fits into this anti-Azerbaijani context. Recall that earlier Loiseau strongly advocated sending an expanded EU mission to Armenian territory along the conditional border with Azerbaijan. As she said - to "restrain new attacks of Baku".

As for Loiseau's latest post, addressed to Toivo Klaar, it only reaffirmed the anti-Azerbaijani coloring of the policy of the European Parliament, over and over again adopting absurd resolutions against Azerbaijan. Which, by the way, is not at all consistent with the general strategy of the EU towards Azerbaijan.

Contrary to years-long illusions of Armenia, the increased lobbying of its interests by the European Parliament does not particularly affect the foreign policy of the European Union, and this, given several facts, is obvious. First, it clearly shows the growing interest of the EU in our region. Second, this is evidenced by the support of the EU for a political dialogue with Baku, which was clearly demonstrated by the regular meeting of the EU-Azerbaijan Security Dialogue, held in Brussels in May 2023, co-chaired by EU Special Representative for European Security Enrique Mora and Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan Hikmat Hajiyev.

As a result of this political event, the parties agreed to continue discussing issues of foreign and security policy that are relevant for Baku and Brussels and the entire region, and, what is noteworthy is the role of Azerbaijan as a reliable energy partner of the EU.

And the upcoming meeting on the European track of the heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia, to be moderated by European Council President Charles Michel, indicates that Brussels, as one of the mediators in the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, is committed to the peace agenda that Baku adheres to, which again is a serious help for building long-term relations between Azerbaijan and the EU based on mutual benefit and national interests of the Azerbaijani state.

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