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Looting and separatism: Dangerous cocktail by Armenians from Zabukh Scorched earth politics in action

08 August 2022 20:38

Until August 25, we can expect to be entertained by flash mobs of Armenian separatism. Under the usual lamentations for Armenians on every unpleasant occasion for them, there is especially a lot of bitterness and threats this time. So, what's the point of crying now? They did not feel the pangs of conscience and did not howl in anguish when they took someone else's goods.

When it became clear that the city of Lachin and its surrounding villages would be returned to Azerbaijani administration control on August 25, the locals, along with Armenians from all over the world, immediately began their long-suffering chatter. A wide range of emotions, from curses to heartfelt accounts of saying goodbye to the "native land." It's as if no one living in these settlements for the last 20-30 years knew - that the indigenous Azerbaijani population expelled from here will return to their homes as soon as a new road bypassing Lachin is built. Furthermore, unlike Armenian chauvinists, Baku does not expel anyone; rather, it advocates for Azerbaijani citizenship and living on these lands. But, instead, the Armenians appear to have chosen a different path, involving false propaganda and malicious threats. And one of the fundamental elements of propaganda is the Armenians' notorious long-suffering, to the point where ears sink.

And now, "masterpieces" like the photo reportage "Children of Agavno (Zabukh) say goodbye to each other before handing over the village to Azerbaijan" are making their way through Armenian media. Instead of arranging such performances, the parents of these children should explain to them what happened here 30 years ago and who used to live with them in the neighbourhood or in the house where they have been running for many years.


And this type of documentary photography is still the safest. Adventures are being undertaken in the same Zabukh, and more abruptly. "Activists" from the temporary "settlers" leaving Lachin have created an entire film about a certain "resistance movement" of the Armenians of Zabukh, who promise to arrange "surprises" for the Azerbaijanis. This is entirely possible, given that newcomer Armenian militants from Syria and Lebanon with experience organising terrorist attacks have dug in here. In a short film about the village of Zabukh with the characteristic name "Line of Resistance", which tells about the Lebanese Armenian community located here, according to one of the thugs in the shot, Khachatur Khachaturyan, the Armenians are not going to leave here and intend to defend themselves to the end. "Armenians will be saved only with the help of weapons," Khachaturyan boasts, and judging by his story, local Armenians plan to mine houses and lands and are generally preparing for armed resistance.

However, the age and the appearance of the narrator are confusing. Is he ready for all that he is talking about? Other members of the community also appear in the shot, who are very aggressive and, surprisingly, declare their right to live in an Azerbaijani village as if they had lived here for centuries.

However, the whole story about Zabukh resisters actually acquires a completely non-heroic character. As Armenian journalist Nairi Ohikyan tells on Facebook, a completely different "movement" is taking place in this village - mass robbery: temporary Armenians plunder the property of those who have already left.

"On the evening of August 5, I received a call and was informed that a robbery was going on in Agavno (Zabukh - ed.). I call the head of the village, and again I get confirmation that there were cases of robbery. Well, hurry up while there is a chance, go and destroy the houses built by the descendants of our compatriots, steal what you can, and cut down trees along the Agavno River. A group of government officials has already entered the village and started working. They cut down trees, and take people's property like hyenas. I will hurry others - hurry up, come in, steal, take away. Enjoy, dear people," Ohikyan wrote desperately.

That is, the Armenians realise themselves in their brightest manifestations and justify their unseemly image in a variety of guises.

Somewhat different "flash mobs" are expected in other localities. There are fewer Lebanese militants here, but the "head of the community" of Lachin, Narek Aleksanyan, reports on the possible "evacuation" of khachkars and graves, as well as on the upcoming arson of houses.

I must say that Aleksanyan did not hide that even the "minister" of the separatists in Karabakh, Hayk Hanumyan, is also against the burning of residential buildings, he does not see the point in this.

It is significant that sane Armenians understand the absurdity of acts of looting or, even more so, attempts at armed resistance. After all, it is absolutely clear that, in addition to the obvious demonstration of shameful reflexes of vandalism, looters or visiting Lebanese militants are setting up their own countrymen. Among those who are not averse to staying in Karabakh or will move here in the future. Anyway, the integration of the Armenian population with the Azerbaijani population in Karabakh is inevitable in the future. Well, for those who do not want to accept the Azerbaijani administration in a civilised manner and within the framework of the principles established by law, or, God forbid, meet it with weapons in their hands, a harsh reaction awaits.

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