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Moscow to deliver 8 Su-30SM jets to Belarus by end of 2024

06 July 2024 20:00

By the end of 2024, Moscow has pledged to deliver eight Su-30SM jets to Belarus.

The Belarusian Defence Ministry had made a significant move in June 2017, ordering new fighter jets for the first time since the Soviet era. The $600 million deal involved 12 Su-30SM aircraft from Russia, with the first four delivered by August 2019, Caliber.Az reports per foreign media.

 The remaining eight are expected by the end of this year. Delays in delivery have been attributed to Belarus postponing payments, largely due to the increased presence of Russian security forces, which reduced the urgency for costly upgrades.

This enhanced security presence includes Russian Su-30SM and Su-35 fighters stationed at Belarusian airfields, along with S-400 air defence systems and MiG-31K/I strike fighters. Meanwhile, Belarus is focusing on acquiring more cost-effective assets like the S-400 air defence systems and Iskander ballistic missiles, with access to Russian nuclear warheads for the Iskanders. Belarus plans to acquire at least 12 Su-30SMs and may expand this fleet to 24 units, reflecting Minsk’s current geopolitical stance.

Russian Su-30SM2 fighter gains range with R-37M LRAAM integration

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Belarusian Air Force significantly reduced its size, quickly retiring powerful MiG-25PD/PDS interceptors and MiG-25BM jets. Over the next decade, they also phased out Su-27 air superiority fighters and Su-24M fighters, selling the Su-24Ms to Sudan. Upgraded MiG-23MLDs were sent to Syria in the 2000s, leaving the MiG-29 as their only fighter. The aging MiG-29s and their minor upgrades have made it essential for Belarus to find replacements.

For a long time, there was consideration of upgraded MiG-29M or MiG-35 fighters, known for being cheaper to operate and better performing than the older MiG-29s. However, the Su-30SM was chosen instead, likely due to its compatibility with the Russian Air Force. The Su-30SM, along with the Su-34 strike fighter, forms the core of Russia’s military aviation.

Russia has encouraged former Soviet states to purchase the Su-30SM fighter jet, offering favorable terms. From 2015 to 2023, Kazakhstan ordered three squadrons, totaling 36 aircraft, in five separate deals. Similarly, Armenia bought four of these jets in December 2019. The Su-30SM is known for its versatility and affordability compared to the Su-35 air superiority fighter, often outperforming other ‘4+ generation’ aircraft like the French Rafale in range, radar size, and maneuverability, surpassing many Western fighters.

The Soviet Union had aimed to have fifth-generation fighters by 2001, starting with the MiG 1.42 program. However, the collapse of the state delayed these plans. Now, Russia’s first fifth-generation fighter, the Su-57, is expected to be operational in 2024, though it’s less ambitious than earlier plans. In the meantime, Russia and its export clients have relied on upgraded fourth-generation fighters like the Su-30SM, which are still competitive against European fighters but have drawbacks when facing fifth-generation fighters from China and the US.

Su-30 has used Khibiny EW during an interception of the F-35

After the USSR’s collapse, Belarus retired older models like the MiG-25, Su-24M, and Su-27, shifting to the more affordable MiG-29 and reducing their focus on fighter aviation. The current Su-30SM is superior to regional aircraft, but this advantage might decrease as F-35s become more common in Eastern Europe.

The Su-30SM, a versatile fighter jet made by the Russian company Sukhoi, is an upgraded version of the Su-30 family, built for air combat, ground attack, and striking ships. The ‘SM’ stands for ‘Serial Modernized,’ indicating its superiority over older models. It is about 21.9 meters long, has a wingspan of 14.7 meters, and stands 6.4 meters tall, with a maximum takeoff weight of up to 34,500 kilograms. Its advanced design and thrust-vectoring nozzles make it highly maneuverable, ideal for close-air battles and complex aerial maneuvers.

The Su-30SM’s propulsion system includes two AL-31FP afterburning turbofan engines, each generating roughly 27,500 pounds of thrust, allowing the aircraft to reach speeds up to Mach 2. Its advanced radar system, such as the N011M Bars-R, allows it to track and target multiple objects simultaneously. Additionally, it comes with an electronic warfare system to enhance its defence in hostile environments.

Equipped with advanced navigation and targeting systems, a digital flight control system, and a modern cockpit with screens that provide pilots with critical information instantly, the Su-30SM is capable of handling various missions. It can use different air-to-air missiles like the R-77 and R-73, air-to-ground missiles such as the Kh-29 and Kh-31, and carry guided bombs, unguided rockets, and a 30mm cannon for close combat. The Su-30SM can fly about 3,000 kilometers without needing to refuel, and with the ability to refuel in the air, it can cover even greater distances, allowing for long missions and operations far from its home base.

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