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Azerbaijan refutes Armenian prime minister's remarks on territorial claims, militarization statement

01 September 2024 10:03

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan has responded strongly to comments made by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during a press conference on August 31, accusing him of making statements that undermine the Azerbaijan-Armenia normalization process and regional peace efforts.

In a statement released on August 31, Aykhan Hajizada, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, described Pashinyan's remarks as "contradicting the Azerbaijan-Armenia normalization process and the efforts to ensure peace and security in the region," Caliber.Az reports.

Hajizada specifically addressed Pashinyan’s allegations regarding territorial claims, which the Armenian leader suggested are enshrined in Azerbaijan’s Constitutional Act. “Allegations about the territorial claims against Armenia in the Constitutional Act of Azerbaijan are completely false,” Hajizada stated. He emphasized that the Constitutional Act on State Independence of 1991 and the Declaration of Independence of 1918, referenced in Azerbaijan's Constitution, do not contain any territorial claims against Armenia.

The Azerbaijani spokesperson also rejected comparisons made by Pashinyan between the constitutions of the two countries. “An attempt to draw parallels and balance the Constitution of Azerbaijan and the Constitution of Armenia is unacceptable. None of the international partners accept this claim of Armenia, and everyone knows it is frivolous,” Hajizada asserted.

Regarding the draft peace agreement between the two nations, Hajizada criticized Armenia's interpretation of a provision that states neither party may invoke domestic legislation to avoid obligations under the agreement. “The reference by the Armenian side to the provision in the draft peace agreement… to support the statement that the territorial claim in its Constitution is harmless is null and void. It is a well-known fact that no international agreement can have superiority over the Constitution,” he explained.

The Azerbaijani official further stressed that for a real and sustainable peace agreement to be signed, Armenia must abandon its territorial claims. “The major condition for signing the real and sustainable peace agreement is ending the continuing territorial claim of Armenia against Azerbaijan that is enshrined within its multiple legal and political documents, most importantly in the Constitution of Armenia,” he stated.

Hajizada also addressed Pashinyan's comments on militarization, calling Armenia's justification for its military build-up baseless. He pointed out that Armenia had occupied Azerbaijani territories for nearly 30 years, in violation of international law, and questioned how Armenia’s militarization could be seen as anything but a threat to regional peace and security.

The Azerbaijani spokesperson dismissed Pashinyan’s claims about Azerbaijan’s military budget as exaggerated and inaccurate. He noted that Armenia’s own military expenditures had increased by 46% compared to the previous year, further evidence of its militarization. Additionally, Hajizada refuted claims that Azerbaijan had purchased weapons from Italy.

Finally, Hajizada addressed Armenia’s position on the OSCE Minsk Group, describing Armenia’s attempts to restore the group as indicative of a "hidden agenda against Azerbaijan." He accused Armenia of lacking genuine interest in sustainable peace and of maintaining the situation as a potential "backup option to start aggression against Azerbaijan once again in the future."

In conclusion, Hajizada urged Armenia to demonstrate its commitment to peace by refraining from contradictory statements and provocative actions, and by showing respect for international law through concrete actions.

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