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Baku Initiative Group challenges France's colonial policies at UN - Calls for international action
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Baku Initiative Group challenges France's colonial policies at UN Calls for international action

29 August 2024 14:27

According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, signatory countries are obligated under the UN Charter to uphold and respect the right to self-determination of peoples living in territories they de facto colonize. France, however, effectively leads states that continue to pursue policies of colonialism and neocolonialism.

In light of this blatant violation of the UN Charter, the Baku Initiative Group has submitted a report to the Human Rights Committee exposing France's ongoing colonial policies. The document will be reviewed during the 142nd Session of the Committee in Geneva on October 22-23 of this year. The session will be held under the auspices of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights from October 14 to November 8.

The 18-page report by the Baku Initiative Group has been published in English on the UN Human Rights Committee's website and is available for anyone to read. From the very first page, it becomes clear that the report primarily focuses on France's ongoing oppression of the indigenous Maohi people (French Polynesia) and Kanaks (New Caledonia). It also includes information from our previously published analytical report by international governance expert, American Carlyle Corbin, titled "The Evolution of French Colonialism" (Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4).

The report specifically notes that the conditions for defining the genuine principles of the right to self-determination have been continuously adjusted and altered, as reflected in the United Nations General Assembly resolutions adopted between 1946 and 1960, which contributed to achieving a global consensus on decolonization. The international decolonization process accelerated in 1960 with the adoption of the historic Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and its accompanying resolutions, which influenced the independence of several countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Asia-Pacific region. The revival of the decolonization process on the global agenda has been significantly influenced by Azerbaijan’s assumption of the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement, making this issue a key aspect of its foreign policy.

The report then provides a detailed legal justification for the illegality of Paris's continued control over French Polynesia and New Caledonia, analyzing all the events that have prevented these island territories from gaining independence from France.

Special emphasis is placed on the current legal status of French Polynesia and New Caledonia as "non-self-governing territories," which automatically demands heightened attention to the interests of their inhabitants and requires UN member states that control these regions to submit annual reports on their development. France has failed to submit such reports for many years. Moreover, since 1946, the UN General Assembly has maintained a list of non-self-governing territories under the control of member states. Since its creation, dozens of regions have been removed from the list, typically due to achieving independence or full self-governance. However, France stubbornly insists at all levels that French Polynesia and New Caledonia do not qualify as "non-self-governing territories," and therefore, demands for granting them autonomy or independence are deemed inappropriate.

In the concluding part of the document, the Baku Initiative Group calls on the UN to establish an independent international body empowered to verify the legitimacy of the 2021 independence referendum in New Caledonia, which was conducted under Paris's supervision without the participation of the indigenous population. The report also urges the suspension of any amendments to the French constitution based on the results of the disputed referendum, the demilitarization of New Caledonia by French armed forces, and the organization of a UN field mission to assess the situation on the ground. Additionally, the Baku Initiative Group announced its intention to fully realize the right to self-determination for the people of French Polynesia, including discussions on reparations and compensation for the damage caused by French nuclear tests in the region. This includes financial compensation, medical assistance for those affected by radiation exposure, and environmental rehabilitation.

In addition to the report by the Baku Initiative Group, the 142nd Session of the UN Human Rights Committee will also consider statements and complaints from a number of non-governmental human rights organizations regarding France, as well as several other countries, including Greece, Poland, Latvia, South Africa, and Ecuador.

By Samir Guliyev

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