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France doing disservice to Armenia Kazakh pundit on Caliber.Az

22 January 2024 12:38

Kazakh political analyst and public figure Arman Shurayev has had an interview with Caliber.Az.

- How would you comment on the adoption of another anti-Azerbaijani resolution by the French Senate?

- I think that the adoption of a provocative resolution by the French Senate is the result of the efforts of the influential Armenian lobby, which is led by French politicians. Nevertheless, I am confident that the EU member states will reject the unreasonable demands of the French Senate, as most of them have established business and partnership relations with Azerbaijan. The Senate’s resolution will not be supported by other European countries.

- What exactly is France led by Macron trying to achieve?

- I think that France’s only goal is to present the de-occupied Azerbaijani territories as an occupation and an attack on “Armenia’s territorial integrity” which is false. Neither the UN nor other international organisations recognised Karabakh as part of Armenia. On the contrary, Karabakh retained its status as a temporarily occupied territory of Azerbaijan throughout the years of occupation by Armenia. Paris is trying to provide the international community with false information.

- Will France be able to squeeze into the Caucasus through Armenia?

- I think that the French side’s attempts will be futile.

- May new clashes occur between Baku and Yerevan due to the supply of French weapons to Armenia?

- The supply of French weapons to Armenia is a provocation. In fact, the French are doing a disservice to the Armenians as the recent events have clearly shown the total advantage of the Azerbaijani army in the region and the ability of Baku to firmly defend its territorial and other interests. I admit that in case of clashes provoked by France between Baku and Yerevan, Azerbaijan can create a buffer zone (50-100 kilometres) between the two countries.

- How did the Kazakh public perceive the act of vandalism against the monument to Azerbaijan’s poetess Khurshidbanu Natavan in France?

- Of course, this terrible act of vandalism caused outrage in the Kazakh society. Any vandalism must be condemned, regardless of the place where it occurs. It is outrageous that France positions itself as a supposedly democratic country.

- Paris has recently begun to pursue an active policy in Central Asia. Could Paris strengthen its position in this region?

- I don’t think that France has any important positions in Central Asia. At least, I would not say that France has any plans related to Kazakhstan. However, it is interested in nuclear energy. Therefore, it is early to talk about any big plans of Paris regarding Central Asia.

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