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Fresh French-Armenian provocation in attempt to take revenge for failure at UN Security Council

26 August 2023 13:29

France intends to bring a resolution on "helping 120,000 residents of Nagorno-Karabakh" to the UN Security Council, according to Jean-Christophe Buisson, deputy director of French newspaper Le Figaro. Paris and major regions of France will send a "humanitarian convoy" to Armenia next week, he said. That is, if we believe his words, France is plotting another anti-Azerbaijani provocation.

It should perhaps be recalled that Mr. Buisson himself is nothing more than a long-standing and repeatedly used tool of Armenian propaganda. This publisher did his best to misinform the French public about the reasons for the action of Azerbaijani environmentalists on Lachin road, even then trying to claim that it carries "a threat of another genocide of Armenians".

As a Russian proverb says, "Make a fool pray to God, and he will split his forehead open". In that case too, by rushing to defame Azerbaijan, Buisson, probably without knowing, proved the falsity of the myth about the "genocide" of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. After all, thanks to primitive information manipulations of troubadours a la Monsieur from Le Figaro, it became obvious that that "genocide" is exactly the same primitive manipulation as the one in which Buisson became an informational accomplice, shamelessly trying to pass off his fantasies as facts.

And this is not his only anti-Azerbaijani attack. In March last year, he had the temerity to draw parallels between the events in Ukraine and the 44-day war in Azerbaijan on his Twitter microblog. "The president in military camouflage stayed with his people to defend his country. Refugees - tens of thousands of women and children, thousands dead... This is not Ukraine, this is 'Artsakh' - Nagorno-Karabakh, in 2020. There were few journalists, and the world was indifferent," he wrote. That is neither credibility nor freedom of speech. This is not freedom of speech. It is a brazen, cynical manipulation by a professional liar from the oldest French newspaper.

Buisson clearly sought to tell a sob story to his readers "about the bitter plight of the separatists", without even hinting at the fact that they had been illegally living in the occupied territories of another state for almost three decades. On the wave of worldwide support for Ukraine, he tried to equate Armenia, which had seized and controlled 20 per cent of other people's territories, with it. It was Azerbaijan, like Ukraine, that was a victim, not the other way around.

His lie was striking in March when it was published, but now it is doubly shocking. After all, Azerbaijan has provided, is providing, and will continue to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Official Baku has always explicitly stated the importance of respecting the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Azerbaijan sends everything necessary to ensure Ukraine's energy security and accepts Ukrainian children and military personnel for medical treatment and recreation.

Armenia, on the other hand, has never provided Ukraine with any assistance since the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. On the contrary, Yerevan actively supports Moscow, helping it to circumvent Western sanctions. It got to the point that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan did not even dare to congratulate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the country's Independence Day. But Mr Buisson "did not see" and "does not see" all this.

The "blindness" of official Paris is clearly racist in its nature. And cynical anti-Azerbaijani provocations directly from the French authorities are not rare at all. And at the head of this dirty campaign is French President Emmanuel Macron, who openly declared at a meeting with the Armenians of Marseille that he defends the interests of the Republic of Armenia more than Nikol Pashinyan. Macron somehow forgot about the interests of France, which is increasingly embroiled in a domestic socio-economic crisis.

If it were otherwise, he would build friendly relations not with an occupying and loser country, but with a state that has liberated its lands and is now the undisputed leader of the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan has already implemented and is going to implement in the future a number of serious, almost global projects that will contribute to the development and well-being of many countries, not to mention our region.

But Macron has made his choice. This is more than a mistake. It is a crime before France, before its national interests. But the current head of the Fifth Republic is trying to demonstrate something resembling success somewhere, and for some reason, he has chosen Armenia to implement his plans. So he perceived Yerevan's failure at the UN Security Council meeting as his own fiasco. And in this Macron is not far from the truth. It is France that is coaxing the incumbent Armenian authorities, demanding more and more provocations against our country. Now, according to Buisson, official Paris is going to openly lead the anti-Azerbaijani campaign in the UN Security Council. But I am sure Baku is ready for it.

I am also sure that new efforts of the Armenian-French tandem will also go to waste. In the end, Macron will be thrown to the political dump, where he will have nothing left but to write memoirs. That's what Nicolas Sarkozy is doing now. However, I am not sure that Emmanuel, unlike Nicolas, will be so truthful that he will also admit the beauty of Baku.

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