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"Paris is irritated by failed intrigues against Baku" Foreign analysts on Caliber.Az

18 April 2024 12:46

Paris recalled its ambassador from Baku, and this fact was perceived with bewilderment in Azerbaijan. After all, for almost four years we have been observing France's aggressive policy against our country, engaging in almost any adventure that could somehow harm the image of our country or undermine peace in the South Caucasus. And now, as if having exhausted all its toxic energy, Paris has decided to make a diplomatic demarche.

According to the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, "Azerbaijan is guilty of unilateral steps damaging relations with France". In response, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry emphasised that France's anti-Azerbaijani steps after the Patriotic War of 2020, despite having acted as a mediator for almost 25 years, are obvious and known to everyone. "The Azerbaijani side has repeatedly warned France that it is unacceptable to speak to us in the language of threats and pressure. We reiterate that Azerbaijan will take all necessary measures to protect its national interests," the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Caliber.Az correspondent contacted foreign policy analysts to learn how they assess this act of Paris, which looks more like hysteria.

According to Israeli political scientist, international expert, Rabbi Michael Finkel, it would seem that international law was supposed to be universal for everyone, especially those who claim to be champions of justice and law, and there could be no exceptions for anyone.

"But still this is not the case, because we see how in international politics, both in ancient times and today, the rules of the game are first of all dictated by the so-called realpolitik (real politics), based on the fact that all countries to a greater or lesser extent are guided only by their own interest.

And under this interest, they bend and break all the foundations of international law. When we ask the question: whose Karabakh? - The answer is very simple, and it lies in the plane of international law. And international law considers that Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan, and this fact is confirmed by almost all international lawyers and countries of the world. It would seem that everyone understands this, but it seems that this is not true after all. And we see that a country like France does not want to understand and accept this fact, which even makes us smile. And when three years after 44 days Azerbaijan finally got rid of the illegal Armenian separatist regime in Karabakh, we see that the representation of this phantom entity is still active in France," the Israeli political scientist emphasised.

According to him, France is still trying to separate Karabakh from Azerbaijan.

"Where is international law? Where are the foundations of interstate relations? But nothing happened with Paris' plans, and now we see that France is "offended" and withdraws its ambassador from Azerbaijan. Why does France behave this way? It seems to me that the basis for making such decisions is the influential Armenian community in France, internal politics, the struggle for Armenian voters, strong monetary influence from rich French citizens of Armenian nationality to certain parties or politicians - this is what is behind it. So in this case international law is absolutely not a criterion of truth, and when something does not work out, France, like a capricious, beautiful, but not quite logical woman, recalls its ambassador. Because, unfortunately, its many years of endeavours and intrigues against Azerbaijan have failed," Finkel said.

According to Belarusian political scientist, candidate of political sciences Sergey Tomits, France has reached the peak of absurdity in its manipulations in the South Caucasus.

“We can see that Paris's policy is largely devoid of common sense, because an unceremonious invasion of the region, if you already want to spread your influence here, will inevitably create the opposite effect - rejection. And we can see the dislike that Paris's policy is already causing in Azerbaijan. Baku wants to understand what France wants from them, why, while Armenia has occupied the territories of Azerbaijan for thirty years, rhetoric is heard from Paris justifying any actions of the Armenian side, while ridiculous accusations are made against Azerbaijan. It seems to me that Paris has completely lost the high political and diplomatic handwriting once inherent in this country, France's actions look absolutely ridiculous, for example, in comparison with the soft and thought-out strategy of China, it is a policy of momentary and fussy decisions, which can be attributed to the withdrawal of the French ambassador from Baku. All this is seen as a political fiasco of Paris, as a very characteristic handwriting of Macron's cabinet," Tomits believes.

Meanwhile, according to Kazakh political scientist Ruslan Salikhov, the political decisions of Paris during Macron's time are extremely difficult to interpret and comment on.

“I think the difference between the current British and French diplomacy, the way, for example, London or Paris implement and justify their decisions, is obvious to everyone. The failure of the current French policy is, in my opinion, a good indicator of how the EU looks and thinks. In contrast to the same UK. And it seems to me that the Brexit factor is also a vivid example of this, because even London does not want to depend in any way on Brussels' political decisions, which are often devoid of common sense and logic. The misunderstanding of how to communicate and find dialogue with the countries of the post-Soviet space and the South Caucasus has led to the fact that Paris seems to have decided to nullify its policy in the region altogether. Demonstrably recalling its ambassador, apparently deciding in this way to arouse feelings of sorrow or regret in Baku. But it seems to me that Azerbaijan is a self-sufficient state with an independent foreign policy and, as it seems to me, will only breathe a sigh of relief, having frozen extremely toxic relations with Paris - it was not Baku that started it and did not lead to it. Let Paris now sit and think about the consequences of their ill-considered decisions in general and in particular," Salikhov concluded.

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