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Peace initiatives and energy leadership: Azerbaijan sets the tone in Europe Following Aliyev’s speech in Cernobbio

06 September 2024 21:14

The anniversary edition of the International Forum “Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy,” organized by the think tank The European House – Ambrosetti in Cernobbio, has become a significant event against the backdrop of the global political and economic shifts taking place in today’s world.

The presence of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev among the participants, as well as his speech on the discussion platform addressing “Azerbaijan's role in the new geopolitical environment,” highlights both his leadership and Azerbaijan's strategic significance in the evolving geopolitical order. This forum traditionally gathers leading world figures, and President Aliyev’s participation underscores that Azerbaijan is seen as one of the key partners in these changing circumstances.

Geopolitical partnership: Azerbaijan and Italy

In September 2024, during President Aliyev's official visit to the Apennine Peninsula, the historical and strategic ties between Azerbaijan and Italy were further strengthened. In his speech at the forum in Cernobbio, Aliyev emphasized the importance of this relationship: "High-level contacts demonstrate that we are very close partners." He recalled Italian President Mattarella’s visit to Azerbaijan in 2018 and noted that his current visit to Rome marks his third since 2020. According to the head of state, these regular exchanges of visits reinforce not only economic but also political partnerships. "Italy and Azerbaijan have worked as strategic partners for many years, and the corresponding declaration was adopted almost ten years ago. Our cooperation covers many areas, and we have regular political contacts," said President Aliyev.

The establishment of the Italian-Azerbaijani University in Azerbaijan has also become an important step towards diversifying the ties between the two countries. As Aliyev noted, "The students who are already studying and those who will study there will naturally be connected to Italy."

Energy as a foundation of international security

Energy security has long transcended purely economic interests, becoming an integral part of national security for many states. In this context, Azerbaijan plays a crucial role as a reliable supplier of energy resources to Europe, particularly to Italy. The 3,500-kilometer Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) is a key infrastructure for delivering gas to European countries that are eager to diversify their energy sources. Aliyev emphasized the significance of this project: “We now have ten countries receiving gas from Azerbaijan, seven of which are members of the European Union. That is probably why the European Commission calls Azerbaijan a pan-European gas supplier and a reliable partner.” This underscores Azerbaijan's important role not only as an economic player but also as a geopolitical actor capable of influencing Europe's energy security.

Azerbaijan’s energy policy has become especially significant in light of the energy crisis caused by instability in other regions, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Thanks to its resources and strategic location, Azerbaijan is becoming a key partner for Europe in its pursuit of energy independence and stability.

Political aspect: Azerbaijan — A peace initiator in the South Caucasus

One of the key aspects of Azerbaijan’s international policy is the restoration of its territorial integrity and sovereignty. In his speech in Cernobbio, Aliyev stated: “For 30 years, our internationally recognized territories were under Armenian occupation. Despite numerous decisions and resolutions by international organizations, including four legally binding United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding the immediate withdrawal of Armenian forces from our lands, the occupation continued.”

However, as the president noted, the situation has changed dramatically since 2020. Azerbaijan not only regained control over its territories but also became an active initiator of the peace process. Aliyev highlighted that 80% of the peace treaty text with Armenia has already been agreed upon, and the process of delimitation and demarcation of borders is underway. While only a small section of the border has been agreed upon, it is still an important step in the right direction: “we hope that Azerbaijan’s initiative to start peace negotiations will result in a peace treaty.”

Today, Baku not only demonstrates confidence in its capabilities but also shows a readiness to assume the role of a regional leader committed to ensuring long-term stability in the region.

Azerbaijan as a potential mediator in international conflicts

An interesting development at the "Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy" forum was the discussion of Azerbaijan's potential role as a mediator in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. President Aliyev did not rule out this possibility, stating that Baku maintains good relations with both sides of the conflict and is ready to assist in resolving it: “We strongly support Ukraine’s and all countries’ territorial integrity and sovereignty. But at the same time, we were not, and we will not be, a part of the anti-Russian sanctions campaign.”

Azerbaijan's pragmatic approach positions it as a trusted and credible candidate to mediate between Moscow and Kyiv. Aliyev also noted that Baku is prepared to contribute to a peaceful resolution between Russia and Ukraine, should it be needed. “I know there are many others who want to be involved. But if our involvement is needed, we are ready,” the head of state added.

Cooperation with PACE: Azerbaijan defends its sovereignty

In response to moderator questions at the International Forum in Cernobbio, President Aliyev addressed Azerbaijan’s relations with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). According to the head of state, Azerbaijan will lift the ban on PACE members visiting the country once its delegation is reinstated within the organization.

It is well known that Azerbaijan was not the instigator of the tensions with PACE. After restoring its territorial integrity in 2020 and eradicating separatism on its territory, PACE decided to strip Azerbaijan’s delegation of its voting rights, effectively imposing sanctions, which caused justified dissatisfaction in Baku.

Aliyev pointed out that PACE’s policy was unfair, and therefore, Baku took appropriate retaliatory measures: “the decision to declare the PACE members as persona non-grata was adequate. So our decision was a response. If they change their decision and restore our right, in January they will have this chance, so this so-called embargo will be lifted.”

This statement once again underscores Baku’s firm stance in defending its sovereignty and national interests on the international stage.


President Aliyev’s participation in the International Forum in Cernobbio reaffirmed Azerbaijan’s growing influence in international politics. From Europe’s energy security to peaceful resolutions in the South Caucasus and its potential role as a mediator in global conflicts, Azerbaijan is proving to be a key player in global affairs.

The forum also demonstrated that Aliyev continues to firmly defend his country’s interests on the international stage while maintaining pragmatism and balance in relations with major global players.

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