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Syrian scenario for Armenia Russian, Israeli experts’ views for Caliber.Az

26 March 2024 17:27

Armenia continues to prepare for April 5.

A meeting among Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is planned to be held in Brussels on April 5, during which the ways of trilateral cooperation will be discussed.

In other words, Armenia will fully shift towards Washington and Brussels on April 5. Pashinyan will turn Armenia into a battleground between Russia and the West.

Is not Pashinyan afraid that Armenia may face the same situation as Syria? A Caliber.Az correspondent addressed this question to Russian and Israeli political analysts.

Doctor of Political Science, First Class State Advisor of the Russian Federation Tatyana Poloskova said that Armenia can not be compared with Syria for one simple reason. Syria was an outstanding and prosperous country in many spheres till 2011, as opposed to Armenia.

“Syria was an economically developed country with high salaries and social guarantees. Among the most respected professions in Syria were the military, engineer, teacher and doctor,” Poloskova said.

“Russia and Armenia may only dream of Syrian salaries. Syria was a real state, and even now it remains a real state, despite the terrible trials,” the political analyst noted.

She stressed that it is still early to make predictions about whether Syria could split into several parts.

“At the moment, only Latakia, the coastal zone, is under Russian influence. Syria’s attitude towards Russia is restrained and expectant. It can utter such a word as “occupier”. If the power is changed in Syria, it will not disintegrate, but will return to its sovereign configuration which was before the period of military cataclysms. The actual division of Syria into three parts is also being discussed,” Poloskova said.

She said that as for Armenia, it is not an independent country. Armenia does not have oil reserves, military, human resources as opposed to Syria.

“Armenia is now stupidly trying to sell itself as a colony. The Armenian authorities think that it will succeed, that it has found a new source of existence and funds,” the political analyst said.

“I think that there is a much more awful situation in Armenia than in Syria. Armenia does not understand the reality. Yerevan urgently should improve relations with Azerbaijan and Türkiye – the countries that are really interested in relations with it,” she stressed.

“Europe itself is interested in taking all the resources from Armenia and turning it into an anti-Russian base. Armenia is in a more difficult situation than even Syria because of its absurd ambitions, which will likely to destroy it,” Poloskova added.

In turn, Israeli journalist and publicist, head of the International Relations Commission of the Union of Journalists of Israel Rostislav Goltsman said that Armenia’s chances to turn into second Syria are very high.

“NATO’s special plan for Armenia is a serious challenge to Moscow. It plays an important role in propaganda. On the other hand, France has its own plans for Armenia as Paris is trying to play the leading role among the European countries,” he said.

“France sees Armenia as its outpost in the South Caucasus. However, Yerevan is at the edge of the abyss. Moreover, it is playing the fool with Iran even more than with Moscow,” the political analyst noted.

Goltsman noted that Yerevan will be unable to turn away from Iran without consequences because Iran is known for its vindictiveness. Syria can be cited as an example.

“Let's remember Syria's attempt to get out of Iranian influence. Even the army was split. The government troops have been divided: one part is under the command of Russian officers while the second one is under the command of Iranian officers. Armenia risks becoming an arena for a brutal struggle between great powers as an object of this confrontation, rather than a subject,” Goltsman added.

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