Trump predicts "catastrophic future" for Germans
Former US President Donald Trump has said that Germany’s residents “will be left without a country” due to its dependence on Russian gas.
The former president made the remarks at a rally in the US State of Ohio on September 17, according to Russia Posts English.
During his presidency, Biden sent to the then Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel a white flag with the words: “If you get 72 per cent of your energy from Russia, then here’s a white flag for you, because you will quickly give up.” However, he admitted that he did not imagine then that the energy crisis could come so quickly.
“Germany is now returning to coal, the old methods, but they have no choice. They will be left without a country,” TASS quoted the ex-head of the White House as saying.
In early September, Russia’s energy giant Gazprom announced a complete shutdown of the Nord Stream gas pipeline for an indefinite period.
The company explained that the maintenance of the only working turbine of the Nord Stream revealed an oil leak in the gas compressor unit of the Portovaya compressor station and the gas pipeline would not work without their elimination. Gazprom sent a letter to Siemens about the need to repair the turbine. However, this is hampered by EU sanctions against the Russian Federation.