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Vicious circle of Armenia's backstabbing reaches Moscow Türkiye - 1915, Azerbaijan - 1988, Russia - 2023

08 September 2023 15:38

Traitors are not loved anywhere. They are simply used. The folklore of practically any nation of the world has stable expressions in this regard. For example, when betraying, remember: there will come a time when no one will stand up for you. Or - the one who thinks that betrayal is paid back, lives in a world of illusions. But what about those cases when a whole nation lives in a world of such illusions and betrays more than once in its history?

One can’t argue with facts, and they testify that Armenians, time and time again betraying both the countries which sheltered them and their patrons, have in turn received not at all the promised things for betrayal, such as, say, statehood, but incalculable misfortunes.

 It would seem that it is time to stop and think: Are we doing everything right? But no, the Armenian people repeatedly step on the same rake and get a painful blow on the forehead.

Ottoman Empire. 1915. The state participated in World War I as part of the Central Powers bloc, fighting bloody battles in the Caucasus. By that time, the Entente countries had been promoting for decades the so-called "Eastern Question" - a plan to split the Ottoman Empire under the pretext of "violation of the Ottomans' interests of Christian minorities", primarily Armenians. Although the latter, one could say, were the most privileged ethnic minority in the empire.

According to Austrian professor Erich Feigl, Armenians actively participated in the political and economic life of the country and held responsible positions in state bodies. Armenians were appointed as state officials, chief inspectors, ambassadors and even ministers. There were Armenian deputies in the parliament, and in a certain period of time, their number even reached 33. Besides, 7 ambassadors, 11 consuls general and consuls were Armenians. In particular, Hakob Ghazazazian Pasha was the Minister of Finance.

In Feigl's book "Myth of Terror" the attitude towards Armenians in the Ottoman Empire is expressed in the following phrases: "Ottoman sultans, showing a friendly attitude towards Armenians, called them ‘loyal subjects’".

However, from the late 1990s, separatist tendencies began to grow among the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire, fueled and nurtured from outside by England and Russia, which wanted to destroy the Ottoman Empire. The seeds of Armenian separatism and terror sown by the Entente rose in 1915 when Armenians mutinied in the rear of the warring Ottoman army.

Wishing to clear the territory for the "ethnically pure Armenian state" promised by London and Petrograd, armed Armenian detachments went through the villages inhabited by Turks and Kurds with fire and sword. Although Armenians were not a majority in any of the regions of the empire. The stab in the back of the state that had sheltered them cost the Armenians dearly - the punishment was immediate.

The government of the empire was forced to make a decision to relocate Armenians from the zone of military conflict to the inland of the country. By the way, the resettlement did not affect the Armenians living in Istanbul and other territories outside the military conflict zone.

According to a report by American General James Guthrie Harbord, "Ottoman Armenians died in the harsh conditions of deportation during the First World War. Other citizens of the Ottoman Empire also died due to epidemics, migrations, and due to riots led by gangs and armed groups that increased as a result of the weakening of authority."

Naturally, the Armenians and the Entente states that incited them to betray the Ottoman Empire did not create any independent ethnic state, but they lost a lot of things - lives, privileged positions, and trust.

The end of the 80s of the XX century. Gorbachev's perestroika in the USSR was gaining momentum, and with it, separatist sentiments in the then Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast of the Azerbaijani SSR. Taking advantage of the weakening of the Union Centre and the dismissal of experienced Heydar Aliyev from the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers, Armenians began to actively push the idea of annexation of the NKAO to Armenia in the Moscow cabinets. Besides, all of this was done under the guise of "oppression" on the part of Azerbaijanis, "inattention" of Baku to the socio-economic development of the region, and in general, "restoration of historical justice".

At the same time, the authors of petitions and complaints to Moscow did not pay any attention to the monument "Maraga-150" established in 1978 in the Mirbashir district (now Tartar), dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the resettlement of Armenians in Garabagh. Even more ridiculous were the complaints about the "oppression" and "underdevelopment" of the region - the first secretary of the regional party committee was Boris Kevorkov, an ethnic Armenian, and the entire party and economic apparatus consisted entirely of Armenians.

If they themselves were not interested in the development of the region, then what was Baku to do with it, which paid as much attention to NKAO (and maybe more, if you look at neighbouring Aghdam, for example) as it did to other districts of the republic. But no one paid attention to it in the separatist frenzy.

Just as it was in the Ottoman Empire over 60 years ago, Armenians, this time in Garabagh and in the whole of Azerbaijan, succumbed to the generous promises of certain individuals in the Union Centre (Gorbachev, Yakovlev and other perestroika foremen) and in Western capitals and stabbed in the back the people who had once sheltered them on their land.

Not only in the NKAO but also in Baku, Armenians held many important positions in the party and state apparatus and economic entities. Secretaries of the CPA Central Committee, district committees, executive committees, leadership positions in universities and schools, and Council of Ministers - Armenians were represented everywhere.

It could not be otherwise - Azerbaijanis did not divide people into nationalities, worked, made friends and even became related to Armenians. Not suspecting that the latter were holding knives behind their backs. And they stabbed them in the back in February 1988.

Then there were 32 years of bloody conflict, ethnic cleansing in Armenia and Garabagh, Baganis-Ayrum, Khojaly, occupation, and a million Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs who lived in inhuman conditions until the early 2000s. All this is the result of the betrayal of those whom Azerbaijanis naively considered colleagues, neighbours, friends and relatives.

What did Armenians get in return for their betrayal? Ruin in Garabagh and Armenia, the Garabagh clan, mass migration and a deafening defeat in the fall of 2020. Garabagh has not and will never become Armenian, but Yerablur, an Armenian military cemetery, has grown in size.

And every Armenian mother who comes to mourn her son in "Yerablur" should blame it on the betrayal that the Armenian people have committed towards Azerbaijanis.

By the way, Russians, who shook hands with Armenians in 1915 and 1988-1994, should look at their fingers and see if everything is in place. After all, they may well expect a stab in the back. Or rather, they are already expecting it, which is indicated by Armenia's behaviour.

Having realised that it would not be like in the 90s, when Armenians occupied Garabagh with the help of Russia, Yerevan has openly embarked on the path of betrayal. The facts are all too clear: refusal to cooperate with the CSTO, intensification of anti-Russian rhetoric, invitation of the EU surveillance mission, Pashinyan's attacks in interviews with European media, and joint exercises of Armenians with the United States - the Kremlin has a lot to think about.

It is obvious that Armenia is already in the process of betraying its creator, curator and longtime patron. The latter has weakened and can no longer fulfil the wishes of the "country of stones". Dollars and euros do not hurt especially when they are promised to you in unlimited amounts for the sake of further weakening of the geopolitical (and military) enemy. But Armenia is not the only area of blowback Russia should expect.

Representatives of the Armenian lobby are firmly entrenched in many key positions in Russia, and given the historical experience and the current situation, there is no doubt that this lobby is playing a double game, leaking information to the West and betraying Mother Russia. Armenians have a lot of experience in betrayal. Ottoman Empire - 1915. Azerbaijan-1988. So, is Russia next in line of the traitors?

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