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Is there a thaw in Turkish-American relations?

02 February 2024 12:55

According to the Hürriyet newspaper, the atmosphere in Turkish-American relations has changed following Türkiye's approval of Finland and Sweden's NATO membership.

The newspaper notes that the climate in Turkish-American relations has changed so much that while everyone was talking about whether the sale of F-16s would be approved, the United States put on the agenda the issue of Türkiye returning to the F-35 project.

The paper recalls that US Deputy Secretary of State Nuland told CNN Turk's Büşra Arslantaş: "If we can solve the S-400 problem, the US would be happy to bring Türkiye back into the F-35 family".

White House National Security Advisor John Kirby also said that Türkiye could return to the F-35 project if concerns about the S-400 were resolved.

"How have the moderate messages from the US been received in Ankara?

- Defence sources see the US statements as a sign of goodwill. They stress that there is no change in the two countries' positions.

- If the US goes beyond the goodwill statement and makes a proposal, it will create a new situation. Ankara will not ignore this situation.

- Could there be a plan to stop the production of KAAN after we return to the F-35 project? Even if we return to the F-35 project, the production of KAAN will continue.

- Since Türkiye is a partner in the F-35 project, the CAATSA sanctions will have to be lifted with the return.

- If our return to the F-35 project is possible, we, as one of the founding countries, will be able to receive a share of the profits from the aircraft sold, contribute to the programme and have priority for orders," the article says.

The newspaper notes that there is one point in the course of Turkish-American relations that should not be overlooked. NATO enlargement was President Biden's "red line".

"We have supported it, but it has not been a free support. On the other hand, the US needs Türkiye in the Middle East. Biden is talking about withdrawing from Iraq and Syria in the run-up to the elections. In this situation, the US needs Türkiye. In fact, this situation is even greater than our need for the US. Will the spring atmosphere in Türkiye-US relations culminate in President Biden inviting President Erdogan to visit the US? Why not?" the Turkish daily writes.

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