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Azerbaijan to launch construction of road network in Shusha And open secondary school for 960 students

19 October 2023 17:19

Special Representative of Azerbaijan’s President in Shusha District Aydin Karimov has said that the construction of a new road network will begin in Shusha.

He made the remarks during a panel discussion within the framework of the "Caspian Construction Week", Trend reports.

According to him, the process of naming 85 city streets has already been completed.

"The infrastructure of water supply, sewerage, collection of household waste has been created in Shusha, construction of a new road network will begin. The streets will be completely reconstructed," Karimov said.

Talking about the damaged monuments in the city of Shusha, Karimov said 15 historical monuments have been completely restored.

He noted that the city’s reconstruction is being carried out with the preservation of its historical appearance.

"There are 12 main quarters in Shusha. Construction of 1-, 2-, and 5-storey buildings has begun in the city. Administrative buildings are also being built. A residential complex of 23 buildings is ready in the southern residential area. The work on gas supply to them is nearing completion, and they will be connected to the heating system by the end of this year," Karimov said.

Karimov further said that secondary school No. 1 with 960 students places will open in Shusha shortly.

"The central Hospital with 190 beds is already under construction. It will be commissioned in the first quarter of next year. The Real School is the largest monument of Shusha. In connection with this building, a unique project is being implemented," he added.

Meanwhile, addressing the event, Bashir Hajiyev, Deputy Special Representative of Azerbaijan’s President in the liberated territories that are part of the Karabakh Economic Region (with the exception of the Shusha district), has said demolition and excavation works will begin in the villages of Hadrut and Tugh of the Khojavend district.

"Road and communication works will be carried out at the next stage, and then construction will be carried out in houses and non-residential buildings," Hajiyev said.

Furthermore, continuing the meeting, Deputy Energy Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Soltanov said an efficient energy distribution system has been created in the Shusha district.

According to him, Shusha is a unique place on the energy map.

"All the energy to be consumed in Karabakh will come from "green" sources. The building insulation system in Shusha is a crucial link in the entire value chain. The city has utilised 3 and 5 kV LED lights, and solar panels are being created. Natural gas will be used there in a limited way, as part of the green energy concept," Soltanov said.

Moreover, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture Ilgar Isbatov during his speech at the panel discussion "The importance of energy efficiency in modern urban planning – the Shusha model", has said road rraffic will be minimised in Shusha.

There are 196 architectural monuments in Shusha. All monuments will be protected," Isbatov said.

"In Shusha, you can walk to almost any place. The layout is such that you can get anywhere in 15-20 minutes. Residential buildings in this city will be 3-4-storey. There are 196 architectural monuments in Shusha. All monuments will be protected," Isbatov added.

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