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Azerbaijani citizens vote for stable development with ambitious goals Expert opinions on Caliber.Az

09 February 2024 15:16

The Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan has reported today that according to preliminary data from 100 per cent of polling stations, Ilham Aliyev is in the lead in the February 7 snap presidential election with 92.12 per cent of votes.

By once again giving such an impressive mandate of trust to Ilham Aliyev, the citizens of Azerbaijan chose not only internal stability, but also the status of a state capable of defending its increased geopolitical importance.

What do foreign experts, to whom Caliber.Az editorial staff has addressed, think about the elections and their results?

Polish political scientist Jakub Koreyba: "Ilham Aliyev's victory confirmed that the overwhelming majority of Azerbaijani citizens share the basic principles of the president's strategic course. And this is not surprising. Over the past twenty years, Azerbaijan has been developing politically, strategically, economically, militarily and socially at an advanced pace. Maintaining this pace of development guarantees that life in Azerbaijan will be better every year. Ilham Aliyev's policy can be objectively considered extremely successful. Therefore, it is quite natural that the head of the Azerbaijani state has such strong support inside the country. It is appropriate to note that the priorities of state policy, which he defines and implements, naturally fit into the aspirations of the majority of voters.

Azerbaijan is a country that sets new trends and opens new constructive perspectives. On the other hand, together with Ilham Aliyev's victory, the time has come to define and confirm the ambitious goals that the country has and that the President will realize during his new term.

Poland is looking with great hope at the new term of President Aliyev, and I think that friends of Azerbaijan all over the world are looking at the future of your country with great optimism".

Leading analyst of Vision&Global Center Fabrizio Vielmini (Italy): "Ilham Aliyev's victory in the presidential elections in Azerbaijan is a conscious choice of the Azerbaijani people and an indicator of unity with their leader.

Undoubtedly, the convincing victory of Azerbaijan in the Second Karabakh War in 2020, as well as the full restoration of the territorial integrity of the country, was a serious support to the re-election of President Aliyev. The President of Azerbaijan has fulfilled his promise to the Azerbaijani people. It seems to me that the outcome of the presidential election opens a new era in Azerbaijan, the development of which will be closely watched in the region and the world. In this regard, it is important to understand exactly what kind of national idea will be offered to the Azerbaijani people after the country has finally solved a long-standing and fundamental problem by fully restoring its sovereignty".

Israeli international expert Michael Finkel: "Few nations of the world and countries have been so lucky to have such a leader who would return 20 per cent of the lost territory to the country. As we can see from the results of the elections, the citizens of Azerbaijan clearly and clearly understand this. Ilham Aliyev has written his name in golden letters in the history of Azerbaijan. He is a victorious president not only on the battlefield, but also in the most complicated diplomatic intricacies.

Ilham Aliyev does a lot of things invisibly, and we here in Israel know it clearly. At least those people who are connected with the world of diplomacy and political science. Ilham Aliyev's relations with Israel, with the global Jewish world and in general, the foreign policy he pursues is simply unique. These are very warm relations with Türkiye, ability to normalize relations with Iran - the most important southern neighbor - despite certain difficulties. It has excellent relations with its northern neighbour, Russia.

The election results showed that the Azerbaijani people understand perfectly well that Aliyev was able to solve what for almost three decades could not be solved by the numerous string of international organizations - neither the OSCE Minsk Group, nor the UN, nor the EU. He cut this ‘Gordian knot’. Therefore, it is natural that the Azerbaijani people want to be with the winner who has won in the past, is winning in the present and will win in the future. This is what the choice of the Azerbaijani people speaks about".

Turkish political scientist and historian Mehmet Perincek: "The brilliant victory of Azerbaijan under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev in the Second Karabakh War has already predetermined the fate of the presidential election. It is very important that the Azerbaijani leader demonstrates a high level of diplomatic professionalism on international platforms, is able to build cooperation with regional countries and pursue a balanced regional policy.

Stability in Azerbaijan is very important for Türkiye. And only such a charismatic leader as Ilham Aliyev is able to ensure this stability. I would also emphasize the importance of the regional platform '3+3' initiated by Ilham Aliyev and fully supported by Türkiye. Now our countries have new tasks, providing for integration into regional international projects, as well as aimed at establishing full-fledged peace in the region. Undoubtedly, all these tasks can be solved only with the political will of such leaders as Ilham Aliyev".

Russian sociologist and public figure Alexander Zhukovsky: "Almost all countries of the world are searching for their place in new realities and arrangements. Azerbaijan's experience is interesting because the country is located at the crossroads of many geopolitical fault lines. The relatively small territory of the country allows the leadership to exclude inertia and promptly respond to challenges.

In such multipolar conditions, it is quite difficult to get the support of the majority. For external observers, decisions, events, results, experience of a country that is already in a real multipolar world, the behaviour of a leader who maintains a balance between traditional global challenges and trends are of particular interest. For Russia, which talks a lot about multipolarity, but gets more problems than benefits from the topic, the behaviour and the situation in Azerbaijan could be an example".

Kazakh expert, and member of the New York Academy of Sciences Nurlan Munbayev: "Ilham Aliyev's victory is a response to the PACE policy for its biased position towards Azerbaijan, as well as a direct message to the West that the Turkic world is indestructible. I would call this election a symbol of unity of the people of Azerbaijan.

On the other hand, Aliyev's victory is an indicator of his popularity among Azerbaijanis who supported his course of strengthening the country's sovereignty, security and economic development. The Azerbaijani people wanted to demonstrate their solidarity and gratitude to Aliyev for the liberation of Karabakh. Kazakhstan, as a strategic partner and friend of Azerbaijan, welcomes the victory of Ilham Aliyev, supports the territorial integrity of your country and expresses readiness for further cooperation and expansion of economic and cultural ties. I believe that Kazakhstan needs a strong, adequate strategic partner in the person of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev".

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