Moscow says new adversarial strategy of US on Arctic not sits well with Russia
Russia is alarmed by the US’ new national strategy on the development of the Arctic region since it is directed towards antagonism and not constructive interaction between all countries, Russian Foreign Ministry Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman of the Committee for Senior Officials of the Arctic Council Nikolay Korchunov said at a press conference on the occasion of the Arctic Indigenous People’s Summit on November 1.
"As one of the main challenges (of the US national strategy on the Arctic - TASS), I would name the fragmentation of cooperation in the Arctic region. The antagonism and the containment of countries are conceptually included in the foundation of such an important strategic document while the cooperation of all Arctic states takes a back seat," he was quoted as saying by TASS.
Such an approach by the US, directed towards a confrontation, "causes alarm" and "raises quite a few questions," the diplomat noted.