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Azerbaijani president highlights significance of Jabrayil's liberation, ongoing reconstruction efforts

04 October 2024 13:15

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has emphasized the immense significance of the Jabrayil’s liberation during the Second Karabakh War.

“The liberation of Jabrayil holds great significance as it was the first city to be freed from occupation,” he stated during a meeting with residents of the city, reflecting on the pivotal moment in the conflict, Caliber.Az report citing Azertag.

President Aliyev recounted the events leading up to Jabrayil's liberation, noting, “By that time, the war had been ongoing for a week, with nearly 20 villages, including those in the Jabrayil district, already liberated. However, Jabrayil was the first city to be reclaimed, and the Jabrayil operation was of special importance. Our army displayed immense professionalism and heroism, driving the occupiers out of Jabrayil. May Allah bless all our martyrs! The Azerbaijani Armed Forces demonstrated true courage, dedication, and valor during the Patriotic War, and we will forever be proud of our martyrs.”

During the meeting, President Aliyev also highlighted the ongoing reconstruction efforts in the liberated territories. “The ongoing work in the liberated territories is of a special nature, unprecedented in its scale,” he remarked. “No other country that has experienced occupation or war has managed to carry out rebuilding works with such speed and quality. Because this work is being done according to comprehensive and precise plans.”

He further detailed the progress in the region, saying, “Yesterday, I reviewed the reconstruction of Horovlu village, which, like Jabrayil city, was liberated on the same day. In a few months, likely in the first half of next year, residents will return to Horovlu.”

During the meeting, President Aliyev also addressed the broader context of Azerbaijan's struggle to reclaim its territories, highlighting the lack of international support and the biases within global institutions. He strongly condemned Armenia’s violations of international law during the years of occupation, accusing the West of remaining silent. “Armenia violated all norms and principles of international law by occupying approximately 20 percent of our lands, conducting ethnic cleansing, committing the Khojaly genocide, and destroying all our cities and villages. Has any official representative of a Western state ever criticized them? No,” he emphasized.

Furthermore, the President criticized the OSCE Minsk Group, accusing it of prolonging the conflict and justifying Armenia's occupation. “The Minsk Group was merely covering up these issues, partially justifying the Armenian occupation, and pushing Azerbaijan toward a humiliating peace. When we raised our voice for justice on all international platforms, we were told that our words were too harsh. This sharp rhetoric does not bring peace closer; it pushes it further away. There is no military solution to this conflict. In other words, France and other Western states like it were doing everything they could to make this occupation permanent,” he added.

President Aliyev also touched upon recent attempts by pro-Armenian US Congress members to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan, highlighting the continued hostility against the country. “Sixty pro-Armenian members of the US Congress have appealed to the American government to impose new sanctions on Azerbaijan. This morning, I skimmed through that appeal; it is a vile appeal and cannot influence our will. However, what does it show? The policy of hostility against us does not stop,” he remarked.

In his critique of US actions, President Aliyev suggested that the appeal and its intended audience are part of the same system of political pressure. “When I looked at that appeal, I guessed that both its author and its addressee are the same. Because the addressee is the US Secretary of State. However, I have not the slightest doubt that this appeal was also written within the US State Department. In other words, they are writing letters to themselves to threaten and accuse us,” he explained.

Reflecting on the history of US sanctions against Azerbaijan, President Aliyev recalled how the sanctions were imposed in 1992 during the country's most vulnerable time. “America imposed sanctions against us in 1992, at a time when our territories were being lost. The sanctions were lifted in 2001,” he said, explaining that the lifting was temporary due to the US's need for Azerbaijan's cooperation during its military operations in Afghanistan. “As long as they remained in Afghanistan, these sanctions were lifted by the American President every year. However, when they fled Afghanistan—right in front of the whole world—these sanctions were reimposed against us. Is there a degree of ingratitude or not?” the President questioned.

President Aliyev pointed to the growing resentment among anti-Azerbaijan forces in the West over the country’s ability to reclaim its lands and restore its sovereignty. “Today is a day of mourning for anti-Azerbaijan forces. How can it be that Azerbaijan restored its rights without our permission, without asking anyone, without fearing anyone, and without regard for anyone? It was achieved through its own strength and the sacrifices of its children. They cannot forgive us for this,” he noted.

Commenting on current US sanctions, President Aliyev underscored the futility of discussing friendship while sanctions are in place. “Today, sanctions are imposed on Azerbaijan by America. Afterwards, they say, 'Let’s strengthen our friendship.' What kind of friendship can be discussed?” he remarked, urging that Azerbaijan must rely on its own strength. “We must rely solely on our strength and should not be deceived by any promises, sweet words, or false statements,” President Aliyev added.

In a reflection on Armenia's recent actions, President Aliyev warned of the historical context surrounding the Second Karabakh War, stating, “Armenia has engaged in dangerous games, and they should not forget the history of the Second Karabakh War. They should not forget how they begged us for help on their knees and how they appealed to Russia at the highest levels—perhaps ten times a day—to stop the war.”

He further emphasized Azerbaijan's decisive actions during the conflict, asserting, “Let them not forget the anti-terror operation. They should remember that we achieved what we wanted in that geography. Without regard for anyone or anything, we eradicated the roots of separatism in just a few hours.”

In a ceremonial event, President Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva participated in the opening of a newly constructed residential complex in Jabrayil, where they handed over keys to the new homes to the residents, marking a significant step in the city’s recovery and revitalization.

To be updated

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