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Facts are stubborn things: Azerbaijani border guards are polite with Armenians The end of the “torture” and “insult” myth

03 May 2023 11:34

Since the very first day of the peaceful action of Azerbaijani eco-activists on the Lachin-Khankendi road, the remnants of illegal armed gangs in Karabakh and Yerevan, despite assurances and even evidence provided by Baku, have been tirelessly attempting to discredit Azerbaijan by misinterpreting the conflict-free rally: they were convinced that it caused “humanitarian crisis”, “blockade”, "preparation for ethnic cleansing", etc.

The groaning of the Armenian propaganda and the orchestrators of the illegal regime settled in Khankendi amplified after Azerbaijan on April 23 established a border checkpoint (BCP) "Lachin" on its sovereign territory - in the Lachin region, on the conditional Azerbaijani-Armenian border. The checkpoint was quick to prove its efficiency: a week later on April 30, residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan of Armenian origin began to use it for comes-and-goes from Armenia to Karabakh and back.

Subsequent insinuations by the Armenian side were not bolt from blue since the launch of the checkpoint stirred critics and pathetic emotions among the population of our neighbour and those residing in Khankendi. However, the Azerbaijani border guards prudently video-recorded the crossing of the Karabakh Armenians through the Lachin BCP. These footages clearly show that our border guards juxtapose skill, patience, and respect during their service giving no room for negative comments.

However, the Armenian side, in its usual manner, began to make absurd accusations against Azerbaijan such as “strengthening of the blockade”. For instance, when Armenians were almost forcibly brought to the checkpoint by Russian peacekeepers their fear rose to “nirvana” to hallucinate about “inappropriate treatment, insults, and heart attacks”. By the way, although it is a mock-up scenario, we could think to deploy medical personnel next to our border guards at the Lachin checkpoint in the future. Now, it remains only to find the "torture chamber" portrayed in the Armenian hallucinations within the premises of the Azerbaijani border guards.

Of course, all these nonsenses are not worth a penny. We have a saying that fits well with such cases: wind can only take dust from a rock. The smooth operation of the Lachin checkpoint was also confirmed by the report of the Armenian service of Radio Liberty, whose correspondents managed to talk with those who had already taken the opportunity to cross this checkpoint. And here surfaces another proof of the falsity of the Armenian propaganda about the "blockade" of Karabakh. The report highlights two important points:

1. Azerbaijani border guards behave politely with the Armenians of Karabakh, who cross the Lachin BCP and do not interfere with their movement in any way.

2. Realizing that the myth of the "blockade" is collapsing, the "leadership" of the remnants of the Karabakh gangs spare no effort to prevent the Armenians from crossing the new BCP.

In a conversation with a Radio Liberty correspondent, Gegham Harutyunyan, a resident of the village of Kichik Galadarasi (he was allegedly ordered by the Azerbaijani border guards to “go and not come back” after the passport control) said that on April 30 he left Karabakh for Gorus through the Lachin BCP and returned back.

According to Radio Liberty, the villages of Kichik Galadarasi, Boyuk Galadarasi, Turshsu, and Salatinkend are currently located between Azerbaijani checkpoints after the new control point was installed on April 23.

“Several residents of these villages, including heads of communities, appeared on a video distributed by Azerbaijani media. In the video, Azerbaijanis show how their new checkpoint installed on the Khakari Bridge works,” Radio Liberty correspondent says.

 “Step by step, Azerbaijani border guards filmed how several Armenians go through passport control, open trunks, and answer a few questions. Where are you from? What are you carrying? Azerbaijani border guards are very polite in front of the camera.”

According to Gegham Harutyunyan, he expected to be asked questions because he is “registered” in Lachin. But the Azerbaijanis did not bother him and, after conferring, decided not to stamp the passport.

"I understand their language," he said, which could prove that there were no insults from the Azerbaijani border guards.

At the same time, which is typical, at the time of preparing the report, there was no movement at the Lachin BCP.

Correspondent: "Today there is no movement at the Azerbaijani checkpoint."

According to the residents of the village of Boyuk Galadarasi, the "Artsakh police" are guarding the road to allegedly "prevent the people from being abused by the Azerbaijani propaganda." However, facts are stubborn things - this is another evidence of obstructing the free exit and entry of local residents by the leadership of the remnants of gangs (as was observed during the days of the eco-action). After all, if people freely and without fear use the Lachin BCP, then this will unmask not only the Armenian propaganda but also the leaders agonizing over the "Artsakh" project.

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