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Moon’s mysterious "X", "V" shapes to appear soon - Don’t miss It! VIDEO

05 March 2025 05:02

According to a latest article, IFL Science features that it will be possible to witness a rare lunar phenomenon on March 6 night! With just a pair of binoculars or a small telescope, you might spot an intriguing "X" and "V" shape on the Moon’s surface. Don’t miss your chance to see this celestial spectacle!

The terminator, the line that divides the day and night sides of any celestial body, is a feature of every object orbiting the Sun—including the Moon. This line provides a unique opportunity to study the Moon’s three-dimensional shape and surface features.

"The lunar surface looks different near the terminator because the Sun is closer to the horizon, casting longer shadows," explains NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day website. "These shadows help us see structures more clearly, giving us depth cues, making the two-dimensional image appear almost three-dimensional."

As the Moon moves from light to dark, shadows not only help define high and low areas but also reveal smaller, shorter structures. For instance, many craters near the terminator are easier to spot due to the long shadows cast by their elevated edges.

During the first quarter phase of the Moon, which lasts for about an hour, some particularly intriguing shadows form shapes that resemble the letters "V" and "X." These formations are a natural result of the interplay between light, shadows, and the Moon’s rugged landscape.

"The Werner X does not leap out all at once but gradually appears over an interval of 2 hours and 20 minutes as the Sun rises on the spot," explains David M.F. Chapman from the Halifax Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, who has captured images of this phenomenon.

"Out of the blackness, the Sun’s rays first catch the tallest point: this turns out to be a peak on the SE wall of Purbach [crater]. This point lengthens into an arm in the NNE direction towards the common area between Purbach, La Caille, and Blanchinus [craters]. Meanwhile, the NE wall of Purbach becomes illuminated, and they join to form a corner. Next, the SW wall of Blanchinus catches the light, and we see a 'T'. Finally, the common wall between Blanchinus and La Caille forms a NE arm which joins the rest to form the X."

The X will first appear at around 11 pm UTC on March 6, visible for about an hour. If you're hoping to witness this lunar spectacle, it's easiest to look along the terminator line for the "X" itself rather than searching for the individual craters.

If you miss the event, or are in a region where the Moon isn’t visible at that time, there’s no need to worry. The "X" and "V" shapes appear regularly throughout the year, with the next opportunities on April 5 and June 3.

By Naila Huseynova

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