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President Aliyev holds meetings with international dignitaries, parliamentarians PHOTO

06 June 2024 15:40

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, per Azertag.

The meeting saw discussions on the process of Azerbaijan’s joining the World Trade Organization.

The WTO Director-General highlighted the economic achievements of Azerbaijan.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala extended congratulations on Azerbaijan’s hosting of COP29 and expressed her gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for supporting the initiative to organize the Trade and Investment Day within the framework of COP29.

During the conversation, they discussed the opportunities for cooperation between Azerbaijan and the World Trade Organization.

President Aliyev also had talks with Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurlanbek Shakiev.

Nurlanbek Shakiyev conveyed the greetings of the President of Kyrgyzstan to the head of state. President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the greetings and asked Shakiyev to convey his own greetings to President Sadyr Japarov.

The head of state fondly recalled his visit to Kyrgyzstan in October of the previous year.

During their conversation, they noted the establishment of an Investment Fund between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, with its budget currently increased even more.

The importance of the Kyrgyz President's visit to Azerbaijan, along with the discussions and signed documents, was highlighted. The construction of a school in the liberated Aghdam district by Kyrgyzstan was emphasized as a symbol of the friendship and brotherhood between the two countries.

Nurlanbek Shakiyev mentioned his visit to the liberated districts of Azerbaijan, particularly the city of Shusha, and described these areas as some of the most beautiful places in the world. He emphasized the importance of the patience demonstrated by the Azerbaijani people over nearly thirty years, waiting for the day their lands would be liberated, and their eventual success in achieving this goal. Nurlanbek Shakiyev also acknowledged President Ilham Aliyev's leadership in the liberation of the territories and the development of the country.

The conversation also covered the development of the Organization of Turkic States, the importance of Azerbaijan-Kyrgyzstan cooperation within international organizations, and the significance of inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries.

Also, on June 6, President Aliyev received Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA) Mehmet Süreyya Er, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Numan Kurtulmus, Chairman of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament Yerlan Koshanov, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan Nurlanbek Shakiev, Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Tanzila Norbaeva, President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Zorlu Töre, and Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly Márta Mátrai.

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News related to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev