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Serbian president congratulates Ilham Aliyev on his re-election as Azerbaijani president

07 February 2024 22:55

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has sent a letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, congratulating him on his victory in the presidential elections.

Caliber.Az reports, referring to the official website of the Azerbaijani president.

The letter reads: "His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Excellency, distinguished Mr. President,

It is my pleasure to extend my wholehearted congratulations on your resounding victory in the early presidential election in the Republic of Azerbaijan which reflects the enormous trust that the citizens of Azerbaijan have in your leadership. Such an outcome is also an acknowledgement for the extraordinary results you have achieved in internal, regional and international frameworks during the last twenty years, building on the foundations set by the great Heydar Aliyev.

As a result of your strategic policy and commitment, Azerbaijan has made impressive strides towards social and economic development, ensuring security, prosperity and well-being to all its citizens, it has grown into a regional leader and gained an enviable reputation in the international arena.

Serbia attaches special importance to its relations with Azerbaijan, always bearing in mind that, on numerous occasions, your country has proven a true friend and advocate of our positions and vital national interests. Allow me to use this opportunity as well to express my sincere gratitude for Azerbaijan's consistent position regarding the observance of the principles of international law and the UN Charter and support for our country's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

I am pleased to notice that our strategic cooperation and ties have expanded in many aspects in the political, economic and humanitarian sphere, and I am fully confident that, under your continued wise guidance and leadership, the long-standing and close partnership between Serbia and Azerbaijan will be further strengthened and enhanced to our mutual benefit. For our part, you may rest assured that we remain firmly committed to working towards our more fruitful and prosperous collaboration, implementation of new joint projects and ideas, guided by the principles of friendship, mutual respect, trust and support in all areas.

Your Excellency, my dear friend, I wish you good health and success in tackling the responsibilities and challenges of your high office, as well as peace and prosperity to the brotherly people of Azerbaijan.

Please Excellency, accept my cordial regards and the assurances of my highest consideration."

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