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Pundit calls Armenia's policy towards Russia, Türkiye tantamount to suicide

02 March 2024 13:05

Doctor of political sciences, expert in the field of national security Hrachya Arzumanyan has told Armenian media that the country’s policy towards Russia and Türkiye is tantamount to suicide.

"Nikol Pashinyan sounds words that don't really make sense, there is no "freeze" regime in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), there are member and non-member countries. Therefore, it makes no sense to seriously consider this statement, Armenia continues to be a member of the CSTO’." Arzumanyan noted, Caliber.Az reports.

"I am categorically against such statements, I am categorically against such behavior of the authorities. Everything has been said long ago, the positions of the parties have been simplified and clear for three years, after all this it makes no sense to talk about it again, to complain again, etc., and it is also dangerous because it harms Armenia's national interests. Either leave the CSTO or don't talk about it. Alen Simonyan jeopardizes the Armenian state and the Armenian people with his statements. There is no need to anger furious Russia even more.

Does the current Armenian government really want to move away from Russia? To be honest, I don't see any step on the part of the Armenian government that would remind me that Armenia is going to change its strategic vector unless there is no action. The government's statements are also contradictory. The only step was the ratification of the Rome Statute, which was indirect, but it was a step. The other steps they are taking are making Armenian-Russian ties even closer.

I simply cannot understand why Nikol Pashinyan and his team make such statements, which are not followed by steps. This is an incomprehensible and unacceptable policy for me. To pursue such a policy with Russia and Türkiye is tantamount to suicide. Russia should not be taken so lightly, it will definitely react to your words. And I cannot say that during this response any Western country will support Armenia. Because the power centers of the West understand exactly that Armenia is not going to close relations with Russia, and if you don't start closing relations with Russia, you won't be able to build other relations, you won't be trusted. The West does not believe Nikol Pashinyan's words, does not trust him as a politician.

Today, no country has any obligations to Armenia, but Russia and the CSTO do. You should also remember that no one will fight for Armenia instead of Armenia, only Armenian soldiers will participate in the military operation, but you can have an ally, receiving various kinds of assistance. Armenia has received all the promises at the level of statements, Pashinyan should make a step, but he does not do it," the expert noted.

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