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Essential guidelines to protect from mpox

19 August 2024 04:03

Mpox, a virus that has been causing concern since its resurgence in Africa, is now making headlines beyond the continent.

At least two countries outside Africa have recently reported cases of mpox, following the World Health Organization’s (WHO) designation of the virus as a “public health emergency” earlier this week, Caliber.Az reports citing the foreign media.

A new strain of the virus, known as clade 1, has been spreading across African nations since 2022. This strain has led to the largest outbreak of mpox ever recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where tens of thousands of infections had been reported by June. The DRC government declared the outbreak an epidemic in December 2022.

According to recent data from the Africa CDC, mpox has now been detected in at least 13 African countries. The agency reports a 160 percent increase in cases compared to the same period last year, with deaths rising by 19 per cent.

Here’s what we know so far about the spread of the new mpox strain, its effects on the human body, and preventive measures.

The Ministry of National Health Services confirmed its first mpox case on Friday. The infected individual had recently traveled from Saudi Arabia. Sequencing is underway to identify the exact strain of the virus.

- Sweden: Health officials reported the country’s first mpox case, identifying it as clade 1. The individual contracted the virus in Africa and is currently undergoing treatment.

- Clade 1 has been associated with more severe infections and appears to spread more readily through close contact, including sexual contact.

- The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has elevated its risk alert from “low” to “moderate.” The ECDC has urged countries to maintain heightened vigilance among travelers from affected regions.

Stay informed and take precautions to protect yourself from mpox, especially if traveling to or from affected areas.

Mpox primarily impacts humans and animals and belongs to the same viral family as smallpox, though it typically causes milder symptoms. The virus can, however, lead to severe illness and even death in some cases.

Mpox can enter the human body through broken skin or the airways.

Once inside, it spreads through the bloodstream, leading to flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, and body aches. It also causes skin lesions.

According to Michael Marks from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, mpox does not appear to have direct, long-term effects on the immune system. “While infections generally prompt immune responses, mpox does not seem to have lasting impacts on immune function,” he noted.

Dr. Ngashi Ngongo, chief of staff at Africa CDC, explained to Al Jazeera that mpox symptoms typically last “two to four weeks.” The disease can be severe in some cases, potentially leading to death, but most people recover within this period. “Whether severe or mild, the disease’s impact is generally transient, with recovery typically restoring normal health,” he said.

How does the virus spread? 

- Human-to-Human: Mpox spreads primarily through close contact with an infected person or animal. The virus can be transmitted through contact with skin lesions, direct skin-to-skin contact, or even close conversations where breathing or talking occurs near an infected individual.

- Contaminated Objects: The virus can also be spread via contaminated surfaces, bedding, clothing, and towels. It enters the body through broken skin, the respiratory tract, or through contact with the eyes, nose, and mouth.

- Skin-to-Skin Contact: According to Michael Marks from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, skin-to-skin contact is the most significant mode of transmission, as the virus remains detectable on skin lesions for about three weeks. In contrast, the virus is usually cleared from the respiratory system within seven to ten days.

- Human-to-Animal: Transmission to animals occurs through bites, scratches, or contact with wounds from an infected animal.

Symptoms of Mpox:

- General Symptoms: Mpox initially presents with flu-like symptoms including fever, muscle aches, and chills. It also causes pus-filled skin lesions.

- Severity: The illness is typically mild, with many experiencing only a few lesions. However, in more severe cases, individuals may develop hundreds of lesions across their body. Dr. Marks highlighted that while most people endure a relatively mild form of the disease, some may face a more severe illness with extensive skin involvement.

What variables can cause more severe symptoms?

Risk Factors and Severe Cases:

- Vulnerable Populations: While mpox generally presents with mild symptoms in most individuals, certain groups are at a higher risk of severe disease. According to Michael Marks, those with untreated HIV or compromised immune systems are more likely to experience severe symptoms. Children are also at a higher risk, partly because they are more likely to be in close contact with others in densely populated areas and engage in activities that increase skin-to-skin contact. Additionally, children's immune systems are still developing, making them more susceptible to severe effects of the virus.

Treatment and Vaccination:

- Current Options: There is no specific treatment for mpox at present, though antiviral drugs are under investigation. Vaccination remains the most effective method for reducing risk. Marks emphasized the importance of ensuring an adequate supply of vaccines to high-risk populations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring regions. The vaccine, which was used during the 2022 outbreak in Western countries, is not readily available in poorer African nations. Ngongo noted that while Africa CDC has secured 280,000 doses through donations, this is only sufficient for 140,000 people, given that the vaccine requires two doses.

Protective Measures:

- Personal Hygiene: Ngongo recommends adhering to basic personal hygiene practices to prevent infection. This includes regular handwashing, avoiding contact with sick individuals, and seeking medical attention if symptoms develop. In regions where the mpox vaccine is available, vaccination is an effective preventive measure.

Potential for Further Spread:

- Global and Regional Risks: Scientists believe that with the resources available in wealthier countries, new outbreaks can be managed and contained if detected early. The major risk remains in central Africa, where the epidemic is most severe. Marks and Ngongo both stressed the importance of learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and taking proactive measures to control the spread of mpox.

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