US citizens advised to reconsider travel plans to Israel
The US State Department has changed its travel recommendations for fellow citizens to Israel and the West Bank and now advises them to reconsider the relevant decisions.
The recommendations have been changed compared to the status as of October 3 due to changes in the situation in the region.
Terrorist groups, lone-actor terrorists and other violent extremists continue plotting possible attacks in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza,” the State Department clarified.
The targets of the attack may be tourist attractions, transport hubs, markets and shopping centres and administrative buildings, and the attack may be carried out suddenly.
The recommendation regarding Gaza remains the same: people should not travel there amid ongoing armed conflict and unrest. The US government will not be able to help its compatriots in this sector, since American officials are prohibited from visiting it.
The State Department advised those travelling to the region, regardless of the risks, to check the latest warnings on the embassy website, find out the location of the nearest bomb shelters and prepare an emergency plan.
People should check with airlines for flight availability and flight status. U.S. citizens in Gaza who wish to leave the country and are able to do so safely are advised to check the status of the Rafah crossing at the entrance to Egypt, the message says.