Papua New Guinea appoints "coffee minister"
Papua New Guinea's prime minister has unveiled his cabinet, which also includes some new positions, including the coffee minister.
Earlier this month, re-elected prime minister James Marape, after an election plagued by violence and allegations of voter fraud, announced his cabinet, saying it demonstrated the government's commitment to expanding key agricultural industries, TRT Haber reports.
"The appointees are emphasizing agriculture in a very important way to see the agricultural growth in the country," said Marape, announcing the new 33-member cabinet on Tuesday.
Appointed minister for coffee and palm oil in the country. This is thought to be a world first.
The coffee and palm oil ministries sit alongside the main agriculture ministry, led by Goroka MP Aiye Tambua.
The coffee minister is Joe Kuli, a new MP from Anglimp-South Waghi in the central highlands region.
Papua New Guinea coffee has emerged as a desirable import in recent years, with cafes in Australia, the US and Japan serving coffee made with beans grown in Papua New Guinea.
Marape said the coffee industry needs to be revived to generate more export revenue.
Coffee is the country's second-largest agricultural product after palm oil, which accounts for 27 per cent of all agricultural exports in the country and 6 per cent of the country's GDP.